The four sections of the PCUSA Book of Order.
What are (the) Foundations of Presbyterian Polity, Form of Government, Directory for Worship, and Church Discipline
The Call to ordered ministry in the church is an act of?
God - (also the Holy Spirit)
Newer (2024) requirement for Inquirers and Candidates
What is Boundary Training and Oversight, including topic of sexual misconduct (discussion)
The four "councils" of the church.
What are the Session, the Presbytery, the Synod, and the General Assembly?
First "evidence" of a Call to Ordered Ministry
What is movement of Holy Spirit in the individual conscience (G-1.0103)
The Essentials of the Reformed Faith
Contained in PCUSA Constitution
Most used Book of Order Chapter by COM / CPM
Chapter 2 - Ordered Ministry
Second "evidence" of Call to Ordered Ministry
the approval of a community of God's people (G-2.0103)
Expression of doubt or hesitation with a doctrine of theology.
What is a Scruple (discussion)
Most basic form of ministry
Third "evidence" of a Call to Ordered Ministry
the concurring judgement of a council of the Church (G-2.0103).
Section on Gifts and Qualifications for those called to Ordered Ministry
See G-2.0104 a and b (discussion)
The "ordered ministries" of the church.
What are deacons and presbyters (ruling elders, and teaching elders -also called Ministers of Word and Sacrament)?
Two types of Pastoral Relationships with Congregations
What are Temporary and Installed
The Head of the Church
Who is Jesus Christ?