A system of rules for church governance
What is Polity?
Written document for church or any governance
What is a Constitution?
PCUSA is a particular ___________ of church universal
What is a denomination?
Direct government by all church members
What is Congregational Polity?
Part 1 on PCUSA Constitution
What is the Book of Confessions?
Sections F, G, W and D of Part 2 of the Constitution
What are the Foundations of Presby. Polity, Form of Government, Directory for Worship, and Church Discipline?
Governance by bishops and clergy
What is Episcopal Polity?
Part 2 of the PCUSA Constitution
What is the Book of Order?
The Head of the Church
Who is Jesus Christ?
Governance by elders
What is Presbyterian Polity?
Collectively Ruling and Teaching Elders
Who / what are Presbyters?
The four "councils" of the church.
What are the Session, the Presbytery, the Synod, and the General Assembly?
The Meaning of Presbyterian
What is "rule by elders." "Presbuteros"
The "ordered ministries" of the church.
What are deacons and presbyters (ruling elders, and teaching elders -also called Ministers of Word and Sacrament)?
Another name for the Book of Order (C Wilton).
What is a manual for Christian mission?