a flying insect that has black and yellow colours and can sting you. They make honey
I (walk) into town last night
Погода вчера была не очень хорошая. Было сыро и холодно
The weather wasn't very nice yesterday. It was wet and cold
Люк не мог видеть лицо отца, потому что у него была маска
Luke couldn't see his father's face because he had a mask
a very large sea animal that lives in the sea, ocean
The rain (stop) two hours ago
Сегодня пятница. Вчера был четверг
Today is Friday. Yesterday was Thursday.
Мастер Йода не умел говорить как нормальные люди
Master Yoda couldn't speak like normal people
a large bird that kills other birds and animals for food
Her boyfriend (carry) her bag from college yesterday
Мои дедушка с бабушкой не были врачами. Они были учителями
My grandparents weren't doctors. They were teachers.
Чубакка был хорошим другом, но говорить он не умел
Chubakka was a good friend but he couldn't speak
the foot of some animals such as cats, dogs, and bears
Find the mistake:
My family traveled into the mountains last year
В субботу мы были не футбольном матче. Отличный был матч
We _____ at a football match on Saturday. The match was great.
Принцесса Лея могла погибнуть когда ее поймал Джабба
Princess Leya could die when Jabba caught her
one of the parts on a bird, insect, or bat that move up and down and helps it to fly. Birds have two ______
put into the correct order:
last night, last winter, a few minutes ago, yesterday morning, an hour ago, in 2019
a few minutes ago - an hour ago - last night - yesterday morning - last winter - in 2019
Тебя не было в школе. Где ты был?
You weren't at school. Where were you?
Люк не умел использовать джедайскую силу пока не встретил Йоду
Luke couldn't use the jedi power before he met Yoda