Have something done
Reflexive pronouns
Active and Passive

Here’s my painting for the art competition. When _______________________ (the winners / announce)?

Here’s my painting for the art competition. When will the winners be announced?


The windows in this office are very dirty. It’s obvious that the company _______________________ (not / them / clean) very often.

The windows in this office are very dirty. It’s obvious that the company doesn't have them cleaned very often.


Rich people have chefs to cook for them. They don’t cook anything _______________________ .

Rich people have chefs to cook for them. They don’t cook anything themselves.


the museum that we / visit / next week/ build / over a hundred years ago

The museum that we are visiting next week was built over a hundred years ago


Jane Austen was a 19th century ________________* , and her books still have important messages for us today.
*a person who writes narrative fiction (usually in prose and published as a book). 



I don’t know if I can come to Graham’s party because I _______________________ (not / invite) by him yet.

I don’t know if I can come to Graham’s party because I haven't been invited by him yet.


Sally does her hair at home. She _______________________ (not / it / cut) by a hairdresser.

Sally does her hair at home. She doesn't have it cut by a hairdresser.


Tenerife is a great place to go on holiday. I’m sure we’ll really enjoy _______________________ there.

Tenerife is a great place to go on holiday. I’m sure we’ll really enjoy ourselves there.


the police / catch / the forger after many of his paintings / sell
(Полиция поймала...)

The police caught the forger after many of his paintings had been sold


Sylvia’s dress wasn’t ________________ . It was just one colour.



Your sister’s getting married next weekend! That’s great. Where _______________________ (the wedding / hold)?

Your sister’s getting married next weekend! That’s great. Where will the weeding be held (wehere is the wedding going to be held)?


Do you like our photography book? We took all the photos, then we _______________________ (the book / print) in London.

Do you like our photography book? We took all the photos, then we had the book printed in London.


You’re very good at drawing, Mark. Did you study it at college or teach _______________________ to do it?



a fire / start / in the theatre while a play / perform

A fire started in the theatre while a play was being performed


Who ______________ this sculpture? It looks so alive!



I’m not going to work here any more. I _______________________ (not / pay) for the last two months!

I’m not going to work here any more. I heven't been paid for the last two months!


Mum can’t drive me to school this week. We _______________________ (the car / repair) at the moment.

Mum can’t drive me to school this week. We are having our car repaired at the moment.


That dance performance was amazing! Did the team do all the choreography _______________________ ?

That dance performance was amazing! Did the team do all the choreography themselves?


I / certainly / not / invite / to Jake’s party because he / not like / me
(Меня не пригласят...)

I certainly won't be invited to Jake's party because he doesn't like me


The Swan Lake was _________________ by Tchaikovsky. 



You can use the school hall to practise for your play. It _______________________ (not / use) at the moment.

You can use the school hall to practise for your play. It isn't being used at the moment.


They didn’t build real Viking ships to make the film New Land. The director _______________________ (models / build)

They didn’t build real Viking ships to make the film New Land. The director had models built


No, I’m not going to make you a cup of coffee. Stop being lazy and make it _______________________ !

No, I’m not going to make you a cup of coffee. Stop being lazy and make it yourself!


we / might / take / on a school trip to the National Art Gallery / next week / but I / not be / sure

We might be taken on a school trip to the National Art Gallery, but I'm not sure


The _____________ waved this baton, and the orchestra started playing
