People have always considered gold/glass valuable.
to enquire
be interested in something
People speak English in many countries worldwide.
English is spoken in many countries.
prepare for
Я не согласен с этим.
I don't agree with it.
I prefer shoes made of leather/stone.
to entertain
make someone feel happy
They invited a lot of celebrities to the party last Friday.
A lot of celebrities were invited to the party last Friday.
complain about
Ты выглядишь расстроенным. О чем ты думаешь?
You look upset. What do you think about? / What are you thinking about?
My ______ are broken on my laptop. I can't listen to music.
to persuade
to make someone do as you want them to
They painted the house 5 years ago.
The house was painted 5 years ago.
help with
Моя мама накричала на меня, потому что я разбил окно.
My mum shouted at me because I broke the window.
In order to make your video louder or quiter, use _____
volume control
to welcome
invite someone in a friendly way
They have made the robot with three sensors.
The robot has been made with three sensors.
ask for/about
Я извинился за то, что опоздал.
I apologised for being late.
- I want to protect my phone. What can you suggest?
- You can purchase this _____. You phone won't be damaged if you drop it. And you cant take this _____. If you phone falls off your hands, it will hang on it.
case, strap
to comfort
make someone feel better
They will announce the winner next week.
The winner will be announced next week.
pay for
История состоит из 3 частей.
The story consists of 3 parts.