Inequality (Simplify to answer)
Real World Problems
One Step
Wild Card (Thx Maya)

5x+3=18 x=?

What is 3?

x - 10 > 30        x=?

What is x > 40?


Jim is an engineer. One day, while at work, Jim gets a radio call from his boss saying for him to know that there are only 56 nails left from the previous job. Jim's boss also says that there should be 2 extra nails just in case, and 6 boards for the job that have to be nailed down. How many nails does Jim use per board to meet the exact amount of nails available?

What is 9 nails?


3x=18  x=?

What is 6?


How much quills does a porcupine have?

What is 30,000? (Answer is estimated by scientists)


6n-9=45 n=?

What is 9?


3x-26 < 1    x = ?

x < 9


Alice has a very big spending problem. She goes on 28 shopping sprees and spends an extra $42 dollars on nails this month. Considering that she spends at least 9702 dollars every month on average, how much did Alice spend on each shopping spree? (Please use your calculators, d is the variable, standing for dollars)

What is d >= 345?


x+9=28 x=?

What is 19?


What is the average amount of time a woman can keep a secret?

What is 2 days?


2x + 7 - (7+4) = 48    x=?

What is 22


16x < 65       x= ?

What is 4 1/16?


Marco is a very good swimmer.  However, recently, he has seen his times go down drastically since he started grinding on Valorant. He did play a normal amount before. Before he started grinding, his time was the amount of rounds he played, and he took away one second as well. After he started grinding, his time was triple his number of rounds, with an added 5 seconds. What is the formula to calculate Marco's distance if he grinded on Valorant for the same amount of time as he was playing normally?

What is 2{variable} + 6?


11x=132    x=?

What is 12?


What is the most popular video game based on community?

What is CSGO(Counterstrike)


3(5x + 1) + 2(2x - 1) = 380


What is 20?


x/2 -50>320

What is x > 740?


Audrey is a very skilled farmer. She specializes in trading her cows for profit. She turns in 10 of her cows every month. She also gains exactly 6000 dollars in profit from selling the same amount of milk every year. Audrey also gains 7500 dollars in profit every month. How much do each of Audrey's cows sell for?

What is $700?


19x = 114     x=?

What is 6?


Which animal farts the most?

What are cows?


5(8+y) + 7x = 480        y=18        x=?

What is 50?


6(9x - 8) + 13 < 127

x < 3


Little Timmy loves Fortnite and football. However, ever since he has gotten addicted to playing Fortnite, his speed has downgraded tremendously. before he was addicted, his time on the one hundred meter dash was double the amount of wins in Fortnite he had in a month decreased by 20 seconds. However, after he got addicted, his time went up to quintuple(5 times) his amount of wins, and added ten seconds to his time. As the variable for wins is w, what is the formula needed to calculate Little Timmy's score if had the same amount of wins for both before and after he got addicted? (Hint: All measurements in this question is measured in seconds.)

What is 3w - 10 seconds?


12x = 144   x=?

What is 12?


How much retreats did George Washington call during the Revolutionary War?

What is 7?