A Report Category can only be shared by this user.
Who is the creator?
This is the order of precedence that filters are applied within Solver.
What is Sheet, Row, Column, Cell?
This attribute is often used to ensure a record's unqueness.
What is the TransactionID?
Varying year structures, e.g. 1 Fiscal and 1 Calendar, will require this many tenants.
What is multiple/2?
When making significant changes in to an input template, do this will help if the form to behaves unexpectedly.
What is saving versions of your template periodically?
An an assignment, this checkbox allows for the assignee to select their own parameters to run the report.
What is "Let the User Decide"?
This functionality improves report speed when used instead of hardcoding multiple tabs in the template.
What is the "Create Sheet Per Value" Functionality?
While complex data transformations should happen on the source side, this tool can be used for minimal action during the integration.
What is the expression Builder?
To control the sort order of a dimension attribute, preface your description with this.
What is a numeric code/numbers?
Do this helps differentiate an input cell from other cells.
What is cell shading?
Permissions can assigned on these two levels but shouldn't be assigned via both at the same time.
What are user and role permissions?
Filters placed at this level can cause the report to run slower and often harder to troubleshoot.
What is the cell level?
For GL and GL Detail integrations each row should contain a value that maps to this dimension.
What is Account?
Trees can be modified in these two areas.
What is in the Data Warehouse or exported, modified in Excel, and imported?
This function protects a user from accidentally overwriting a cell that should not be changed from what was output.
What is “Protect non-input cells”?