The name of the apparel worn by Somali women to weddings
What is Dirac or Guntiino?
Where in Africa is Somalia located?
What is Horn of Africa, East Africa?
This Somali artist's song became a promotional anthem for Coca Cola during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa
What is K'naan? Song: Wavin' Flag
On this day two territories united to form what is today known as the Federal Republic of Somalia.
What is July 1st, 1960?
This Somali model is married to English musician David Bowie
Who is Iman?
These two main dishes are commonly eaten in Somali households
What is bariis or basto?
This city literally means "The Seat of the Shah" and is locally called Xamar.
What is Mogadishu?
This Somali dance is performed most usually by women at weddings
What is Barambuur?
This man was the leader of Somalia when the civil war broke out in 1991
Who is Siad Baare?
These aspiring Somali singers hail from Toronto and recently released the song "Say My Name"
Who is Iman & Siham otherwise known as Farrow?
These two names are the most generic Somali names for Somali men and women
What is Xalimo and Farah?
How many regions are in Somalia?
What is 18?
Due to the long traditions of spoken word and expressions through literature. Somalia is known as the land of ...?
What is Poets?
Islam was introduced to the northern Somali coast early on from the Arabian peninsula, shortly after the hijra during this century
What is 9th century?
This Somali physician operates a relief camp and was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2012
Who is Hawo Abdi?
By the time Somalia gained its independence in 1960, this figure had attained widespread prominence as a nationalist figure. He was elected the country's first President.
What is Adan Abdullah Osman?
Somalia has the largest _____ in Africa
What is coastline?
This comic strip artist is famous for his portrayals of issues that are facing Somalis in Somalia and the diaspora
Who is Amin Amir?
This Somali political figure will be attending our great University in just a few weeks.
Who is President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud?
This well known Somali novelist is based out of Canada and made a trip to OSU early last fall. He wrote the "Blood in the Sun" trilogy.
Who is Nuruddin Farah?
This man won the 1500 m World Championship in 1987 and ran the fastest final 800 m of any 1,500 meter race in history. He was the first Somali athlete to win a gold medal and influenced a dance craze in the 1980's.
What is Abdi Bile?
The blue background and white star represent what on the flag?
What is the bright sky or the ocean and five historical areas of the Somali people( Italian Somaliland, British Somaliland, French Somaliland (Djibouti), the Ogaden region of Ethiopia and northeastern Kenya).
The earliest known cave paintings in the Horn of Africa. This rock art is estimated to date back to somewhere between 9,000–3,000 BCE.
What is Laas Geel?
The name "Somali" is held to be derived from which words
What is soo and maal, which together mean "go and milk" — a reference to the pastoralism of the Somali people.
He is considered by many to be the greatest living Somali poet, having written many notable protest works. This poet has been likened by some to Shakespeare, and his poetry has been translated into various languages.
Who is Hadrawi?