What is meet the sandvich
What is the only Pyro flamethrower that cannot air blast ?
What is the phlogistonator.
What is the name of Heavy's stock minigun ?
Who is Sasha.
How many brothers does scout have ?
Who are the seven older brothers?
how many weapons (excluding reskins) came from space ?
What are the three weapons that came from space
Who was the red spy in meet the spy
Who is the blue scout
Which two spy melees decrease your HP
What are the big earner and the Coverners Kunai
Who is scouts dad ?
Who is the spy.
What does Pyro see things through ?
What are the pyrovision goggles ?
Who is the merc who has been nice to the pyro ?
Who is the engineer ?
What is soldiers scream
Out of the three classes who wield shotguns Soldier, Pyro and Engineer (Not including scout) what shotgun can the engineer not use but the other two can ?
What is the reserve shooter.
What happens to demo when he doesn't drink ?
How does he become incapable of doing basic tasks?
What memorabilia does the scout collect ?
What is Tom Jones memorabilia ?
How many days does Ms pauling get off a year ?
How many days is one
What heart does medic put in heavy in meet the medic ?
Which four weapons afflict bleed in TF2
What are the Flying guillotine, Boston Basher, Wrap Assassin, Southern Hospitality and the Tribalmans Shiv.
What company did the Pyro create in the comics ?
What is frontier engineering.
Why did soldier commit genocide ?
How was he rejected from the US army.
Where did the mercs find Amelia Eirhearts corpse
Where is siberia ?
In meet the Pyro, how many people died on camera ? (and who are they)
Who are scout, medic, heavy, demo and sniper.
Which weapon completely restricts you from doing a necessary thing for this class ?
What is the Sydney Sleeper.
Which merc appeared in "Poker Night"
Who is the heavy
What are all of the tf2 mercs known as and offend called ?
Who are rejects.
What did heavy name the hou long heater
Who is Shelia