Facts on the Council
Health & Wellness
Substance Use
& Prevention

The day of the month each meeting takes place in the month.

What is First Thursday!


This famous test, required for college admissions in the United States, assesses students' readiness for college.

What is the SAT!


This layer of Earth's atmosphere absorbs most of the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation, protecting living organisms from its damaging effects.

What is the ozone layer!


This fruit has the same name as a color.

What is Orange!


This legal substance is the most commonly used and abused drug in the United States.

What is alcohol!


Each meeting starts at this time.

What is 7pm!


This is the first level of formal education that typically includes kindergarten through fifth grade in New Jersey.

What is elementary school!


These ecosystems, characterized by high rainfall and diverse species, are typically found near the equator and include the Amazon and Congo forests.

What are tropical rainforests!


What essential nutrient makes up about 60% of your body and is vital for hydration and bodily functions.

What is water!


This addictive substance, found in tobacco products, is the primary reason for tobacco dependence.

What is nicotine!


This person is the chairperson for 2024-2025 year for the Somerset County Youth Council.

Who is Arav K?


This term describes a degree awarded after completing a four-year college program.

What is a Bachelor’s degree!


This process involves the removal of trees and vegetation from an area, which can lead to soil erosion and loss of biodiversity.

What is deforestation!


This vitamin, also known as the "sunshine vitamin," is vital for bone health and can be synthesized by the body when exposed to sunlight.

What is Vitamin D!


This type of drug, often prescribed for pain relief, has been at the center of a major public health crisis due to its highly addictive nature.

What are opioids!


This building is where our council meetings take place. (Building name)

What is Somerset County Human Services Building!


This prestigious educational institution, known for its rigorous academic standards and historic Ivy League status, is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

What is Harvard University!


This is the name for a type of energy that is generated from natural sources like sunlight, wind, and water, which are replenished naturally.

What is renewable energy!


This mineral is essential for muscle function, nerve signaling, and bone health, and is commonly found in dairy products.

What is calcium!


This blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level is considered legally intoxicated in most U.S. states for drivers aged 21 and over.

What is 0.08%.


The goal of the Council is... (Several correct responses)

What is committed to making a brighter community for all by establishing strong leadership skills amongst middle and high school students, providing a platform for youth to express their ideas, and promoting activity in Somerset County.


This U.S. act, passed in 2001, aimed to improve educational outcomes by holding schools accountable for student performance.

What is the No Child Left Behind Act?


The increase in this gas in Earth's atmosphere, primarily from burning fossil fuels, contributes to global warming and climate change.

What is carbon dioxide!


This type of fat, often found in processed foods, is considered the most harmful to heart health and was banned from U.S. foods in 2018.

What is trans fats!


This neurotransmitter is primarily associated with the brain's reward system and is significantly affected by the use of addictive substances like cocaine and opioids.

What is dopamine!