What my favourite Encanto song
Its not we don't talk about Bruno
Surface Pressure
My 3 favourite things to do
100 points each
Draw, Game, Play soccer/ or ride my bike
2 movies i want to watch but aren't on Netflix or disney+
Venom 2, No way home
My Favourite Animal
Cheetah or Melanistic Red Fox
My 2nd Favourite Female Singer
My favourite song of hers being number 8 on my playlist
Whats my 4th favourite song or by what artist
It has a ! @ # $ % ^ & * or a ( in it
Tik Tok by Ke$ha
My favourite Video Game that is still best seller
My Favourite Disney+ Series that i watched when i was little
Star Wars the Clone Wars
My Favourite Dinosaur
My Favourite Queen Song
Bohemian Rhapsody
What are my top 3 in my most used Spotify playlist
100 for each
You Spin Me Round, Somebody That I Used To Know and My Bologna
What my favourite thing to draw and/ or what with
Hands with Pencil
A series that comes out a day before my birthday
Stranger things 4
My Favourite Cat who sadly passed away
He was also Albino
Now my favourite song by Michael Jackson
Toby Fox and Lena Raine are working together on what
Deltarune Soundtracks
My favourite game that was never best seller
Vandal Hearts
A Series that comes out 3 days before my birthday
My Two Favourite Dogs
Oden and Lily
My favourite song by Toby Fox ,and Lena Raine
200 for each
Spear of Justice and Pigstep
The only song i know done by The Firm
Star Trekkin
What High School year did i have my favourite bike stolen?
Yr 9
The two series i have downloaded on Netflix
Cowboy Bebop, The new legends of Monkey
The one animal i hate drawing
The song at the bottom of my most used Spotify playlist numbered 86 by Pink Floyd
Another Brick In The Wall