How many wood planks does it take to craft a crafting table
What is the name of the princess in the movie Tangled?
What is Taylor's Signature lipstick color?
Who is Jesus?
The Son of God
What was the name of the sea that Moses split in Exodus?
The Red Sea
What placeable item do you use to smelt ores?
A Furnace
What biblical events is the movie Prince of Egypt based on?
Who is Taylor's boyfriend?
How long was Jesus dead for before the resurrection?
3 days
How tall was Goliath?
9 feet, 9 inches
What item do you use to tame a Wolf?
Her mom
What is the name of Taylor's First studio album?
Taylor Swift
What was Pauls name before it was changed?
Who was Josephs father?
What is the hardest boss in Minecraft?
The Warden
Avengers Endgame
What is Taylor's lucky number?
What are the Ten Commandments?
1. No other Gods before me
2. No false idols
3. Do not take the Lords name in vain
4. Honor the sabbath
5. Honor your Father and Mother
6. No murder
7. No adultery
8. No stealing
9. No false testimony
10. Do not covet your neighbour
What is the crafting recipe for an Enchantment Table?Draw crafting grid on whiteboard.
How many animated Lion King movies were made?
In 2008, Taylor attended the Grammy's for the first time after being nominated for Best New Artists. What event did she skip to attend the ceremony?
Senior Prom
What is the land Mary, Joseph, and Jesus escape to during King Herod's reign?
What is the land they built the tower of babel in?