Job Abandonment
Self Service Resignation
Temp Schedules
Virtual Rosters

Job Abandonment cases populate after _____ consecutive missed shifts, without absence reporting.



The SSR tickets you work are due to the associate selecting they want what kind of call?

A follow-up call from HR


Points associates accrue _____ points when they miss an entire shift.



The three types of temporary schedule accommodations are ______, ______ & ______.

School, religious & hardship


On Quicksite, you will download the ______ and the ______ to compare.

Roster Grail and Roster Audit


If an associate emails into their JA case and mention covid, you should _________.

Utilize the provided covid template


The associate states they do not want to leave Amazon but are unsure of their options. What are some options you could provide this associate?

Temporary schedule accommodation, shift transfer, leave of absence, etc.


UPT associates miss _____ hour(s) of UPT when they miss more than 5 minutes at the start/end of their shift.

1 hour of UPT


When a request is over 30 days in the future, what should you do?

Work the case to the point of approval, notify the associate we will hold off until the request is 30 days out, and place the case in pending status


You are updating a shift differential. What should the effective date be?

The Sunday of the start of the week


If an associate is negative in UPT and has populated for job abandonment, but they have reported their absences, you would send the _______ email.

NUPT email, step 14 in the SOP


When conducting the call, the associate does not answer. You should _______.

Leave a voicemail and send the email template.


When would you close out a NUPT case for a points associate?

If they are no longer negative OR they fall JA


If a request has been submit for exceptions review by site, they have _____ days to review before we auto-approve.

3 days


You have gone to people portal to submit a change, but there is a future-dated row. What should you do?

You can scroll back to a row with a date that has already passed but before the future-dated row and add a row there, or you can correct the history if there is a date that matches your effective start date


An associate has populated for job abandonment. You notice they only have NHO coding on their timecard and it has been more than 3 days that they have been active. What would you do next?

Submit a SIM SOS for a MA term


After submitting a SSR, what else needs to be completed?

Clear MyTime schedule, exempt Adapt feedback, update Panorama cases as needed, Resolve SSR TT


What would you code the time as when covering missed time in MyTime?

PTO to cover - HRRC


What software(s) would you use to code an approved schedule accommodation?

MyTime for the specific shifts and PeoplePortal if you are changing their cohort and roster grail


When there are errors you are unable to fix, what are your next steps?

Highlight the errors and email to site using the virtual roster email alias


What all needs to be included in the feed when conducting JA research?

Term history, Adapt feedback, Workers' Comp cases, Absence Reporting, relevant Panorama cases, relevant/open DALI cases, Last Day Worked, UPT/Pts, Next Scheduled Shift, #of missed shifts, AtoZ/JA1/JA2, if AA responded, what is pending


What should be included in the SSR feed?

Call V-mail Verbiage/Outcome Summary, AA Personal Email, Adapt Feedback, Panorama Cases, AA's UPT/Point Status, LDW/ Checked for Duplicate TTS, DL Date/Time, when resignation is processed include processing date and in good standing/in lieu of termination


Do you need to scrub EIDs that show as red when highlighting duplicates?

Yes, as they already have a NUPT case but may need a JA case instead


A case has been approved and closed, but it re-opened when the associate emailed in asking to make an additional adjustment. How would you respond?

Utilizing the template in the SOP, Step 15 substep 8, inform the associate the case has already been worked and they will need to submit a new request for any changes.

When would we be permitted to make changes in People Insight?

When we are 100% sure it is necessary to do so. I.E. a clear typo if site put DD5-0800 instead of DA5-0800; it is obvious the AA was promoted to a new position; they have a schedule accommodation, etc.