Who can you meet with for initial SOP advising?
Student Advisors
What campus involvements should you look into?
Clubs, professional organizations, honor societies - and leadership roles in any of these!
Where is the SOP office located?
The 5th floor of the Science Library
How many SOP scholarships are there?
Who is your main guide for applying with SOP?
Your Professional Advisor (Nisreen & David!)
What SOP item can you complete as a first year?
SOP Prep
What form do you fill out to become an SOP candidate?
What is one undergraduate STEM award?
Goldwater, NIH, NOAA, DoD SMART
Which offices give feedback on your written materials?
SOP and the Writing Center
What are some research opportunities available on campus?
UROP, UCI labs
What are the two SOP cycles/timelines?
What award funds graduate study or research in your choice of country?
Fulbright Study/Research