Leaping Calendars
Lunar and Solar Years
Calendar Confusion
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2

The time it takes Earth to move around the sun is __. 

a. exactly 365 days

b. a little less than 365 days

c. a little more than 365 days

d. a lot more than 365 days

c. a little more than 365 days

(365 and 1/4 days)


The unit of time that includes four seasons is __. 

a. a month

b. a day

c. a year

d. an hour

c. a year


How did some ancient people track the year?

a. by counting the new moons

b. by counting the quarter moons

c. by counting the half moons

d. by counting the full moons

d. by counting the full moons


A year that happens every four years and has an extra day on February 29. 

Leap Year


Belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.



An extra day is added to the calendar every four years to make ___. 

a. an even number of days in a month

b. an odd number of days in a month

c. the calendar easier to read

d. the calendar more exact

d. the calendar more exact


Why did early people need calendars?

a. to help them know when to plant crops

b. to help them see the moon changing

c. to help them know when to prepare for dinner

d. to help them count the number of stars

a. to help them know when to plant crops


What kind of calendar was used in Babylon?

a. a lunar calendar

b. a solar calendar

c. a Roman calendar

d. a modern calendar

a. a lunar calendar


The extra day added at the end of the month of February (February 29) is known as ___?

Leap Day


A day of festivity or recreation when no work is done.



A leap day is added in ___. 

a. January

b. February

c. March

d. December

b. February


A year divided by the cycles of the moon is ___. 

a. a lunar year

b. a solar year

c. a season

d. a calendar

a. a lunar year


How many months did the Roman calendar have before 46 B.C.?

a. 10

b. 12

c. 14

d. 16

a. 10


A chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year, or giving particular seasonal information.



A cultivated plant that is grown as food, especially a grain, fruit, or vegetable.  



During a leap year, February has how many days?

a. 29

b. 28

c. 30

d. 31

a. 29


Why didn't the calendar that was based on the moon work very well?

a. Every year, another day had to be added. 

b. Every year, another month had to be added. 

c. Every eight years, three months had to be added. 

d. Every eight years, three months had to be subtracted. 

c. Every eight years, three months had to be added.


Which word relates to the moon?

a. solar

b. holiday

c. lunar

d. seasons

c. lunar


The time taken by the earth to complete one revolution around the sun, which is equal to 365 days 5 hours and 48 minutes and 46 seconds.

Solar Year


Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun.



Calendars help you figure out ___. 

a. only days

b. only months

c. days, months, and years

d. only days and months

c. days, months, and years


Today's calendars are based on ___. 

a. the sun

b. the moon

c. the stars

d. the seasons

a. the sun


Why is the calendar we use today better than some ancient calendars?

a. It shows all five seasons. 

b. It has 365 days, plus an extra day in a leap year. 

c. It is a lunar calendar.

d. It is a solar calendar.

d. It is a solar calendar.


A calendar based on the monthly cycles of the Moon's phases. 

Lunar Calendar


The science that deals with measuring time by regular divisions and that assigns to events their proper dates
