what is my dream college
what is my dream show
anything goes
what is my middle name
what class is my BIGGEST opp
honors geometry (first semester) and physics
what do i like most: singing, dancing, or acting
what is my address
231 pine valley road
what is my favorite/go to orbit outfit
brown skirt with black top
how many schools have i gone too? which ones?
6 schools: epstein, pace, aja, galloway, capstone, weber...
what is the only show that me daniella and arianna all did together
who did i dress up as for halloween
scarlett overkill
what color did i dye my hair
what do i always forget to bring at school
water bottle
what is my favorite show that ive ever been in
mean girls
chris olsen
what is my favorite squishmellow in my room
my eggplant
what was my worst score on an exam
what song do we not talk about that traumatized me for life
we dont talk about bruno...