a condition that must be present for infection to occur
chain of infection
strength of a pathogens ability to cause disease
infection of long duration
chronic infection
touching or contact with a patient's blood or saliva
direct contact
guidelines based o treating ALL human blood and body fluids as infectious
universal precations
pointed or cutting instruments, including needles
waste that is capable of transmitting an infectious disease
infectious waste
waste that poses danger to humans or the environment
hazardous waste
items such as gloves and patient napkins that may contain OPIM
contaminated waste
a disease that is caused by microorganisms such as virus or bacteria that are carried in the blood
blood-borne pathogens
a place where microorganisms normally live and reproduce
pathogens means of entering the body
portal of entry
a person who is unable to resist infection by a particular pathogen
susceptible host
symptoms often are severe and soon after intial infection occurs
acute infection
microorganism persistent for a long period of time
chronic infection
A___________is one that is communicable or infectious
infectious disease
diseases such as HBV,HIV, and Tuberculosis are spread through ____________
direct contact
airborne trasmission is also known as ________
droplet infection
Occurs when a person has PREVIOUSLY contracted a disease AND recovered
Naturally acquired Immunity
allows the body to resist disease and prevents foreign bodies from causing infection
2 methods used to deal with surface contamination
surface barrier/preclean and disinfect
the chemical applied to non-living surfaces
applied to living tissues
which agency regulates the use of surface disinfection
is it advisory OR regulatory
Environmental Protection Agency /
intended to kill disease-causing microorganisms that remain on the surface AFTER precleaning