(Program Info)

Spalding SOPP offers these 4 emphasis areas. 

What are Health, Neuropsychology, Advanced Clinical, and Forensic? 


Kentucky produces 95 percent of the world's bourbon, and this important ingredient ratio is how you distinguish bourbon from whiskey. 

What is at least 51% corn? 


Similar to a work study, this job assignment offers tuition reimbursement and opportunities to work in different departments around campus, including the library and the SOPP.

What is a Graduate Assistantship (GA)?


Equipped with both group and individual study rooms, this is not only a great place to study but there's a decent Starbucks coffee machine here too! 

What is the Library? 


Elected by their fellow students, these individuals are your liaisons between faculty and students. You can trust them to advocate for your needs and help you navigate tricky issues. 

Who are the student representatives?


They are the directors of the Neuropsychology Emphasis Area - his focus being adults, hers being pediatric/adolescent. You can expect to have them as instructors for courses like Cognitive/Intellectual Assessment, Assessment of Personality, and Biological Basis of Behavior. 

Who are Dr. McBride and Dr. Richardson? 


Before he floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee, he trained with police Sargeant Joe Martin in Spalding's very own gym after having his new red Schwinn bicycle stolen and reporting it to Sgt. Martin, stating he was going to "whup" the thief who stole his bike. A multicultural center and award-winning museum in Louisville is now dedicated to his life and legacy. 

Who is Muhammad Ali? 

Toward the end of each semester, you'll choose your courses during this process. Use your 5-Year-Plan to guide you and make sure you don't stray from the plan without approving it with Dr. Chapman or your EA Director! 

What is Registration? 


You'll usually park here for class, and most of your classes will be held here. (Hint: Also known as TSAC).

What is the Third Street Academic Center? 


Known for his great facial and head hair, this approachable professor is particularly focused this year on how we can increase student engagement in the program. If you're interested in virtual reality in psychology, he's your man! 

Who is Dr. Katsikas? 


One of the newest additions to the SOPP faculty, she is the director of the Forensic Emphasis Area. She brings nearly 20 years of experience as a forensic psychologist in private practice!

Who is Dr. Deters?


This former railroad truss bridge is a fun way to get exercise and to tell your friends and family you "walked to Indiana"! 

What is the Big Four Bridge? 


You will find all your assessment needs here, including test kits and protocols you will need for your first-year assessment classes. Pay close attention to return dates and hours!

What is the Test Kit Center (The TKC)? 


Divided into East and West sides, this historic complex has been around since Spalding's inception in 1920. In fact, it was designated a Kentucky Landmark in 1973 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977! This is where you'll find the TKC, the CBH, the CCC, student mailboxes, and faculty offices. 

What is The Mansion Building? 


The Director of the Center for Behavioral Health (CBH), she is a SOPP graduate herself! Passionate about training future professionals, she can provide a wealth of information about working in university counseling centers, community mental health, and private practice. 

Who is Dr. Beaulieu ("Dr. Claire")? 


A Spalding graduate herself, she practices mindfulness-based therapies like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and has research interests including youth adherence to medical treatment regimens, specifically as it relates to self-management and the family’s negotiation of treatment allocation. Oh, and she's the director of the Health Emphasis Area. 

Who is Dr. King? 


The largest annual pyrotechnics show in the country!

What is Thunder Over Louisville? 


You are able to participate in these faculty-led groups, which encourage deeper participation in research. 

What are Research Interest Groups (RIGs)? 


The "starting point" for any visitor to campus, this is Spalding's student center, where you'll find the bookstore, the Bursar's office, Financial Aid, and others. Most of you will become familiar with this building because it houses the Troutman Lectorium, where many of our student/faculty meetings are held. 

What is the Egan Leadership Center? 


Another SOPP graduate, she runs the Collective Care Center and has trained in a variety of mental health settings, including residential treatment, juvenile detention, community mental health, and more! She is an integrationist who believes in the nature of collective healing and the value of being grounded in both identity and community. 

Who is Dr. Gardner? 


She wears so many hats - and will likely talk to you about juggling balls tomorrow - that it's amazing she ALSO serves as the director of the Advanced Clinical Emphasis Area! She approaches therapy from an interpersonal perspective and is also passionate about teaching students how to work effectively and compassionately with trauma survivors. 

Who is Dr. Nash? 


90 percent of this popular party decoration are produced in Louisville.

What are disco balls? (Sometimes called glitter balls)


In the springtime, the entire program gets together to celebrate internship placements. We're known for an impressively high rate of these, so there's something to celebrate every year!

What is the Match Party? 


Hungry? Located on the north end of campus, this building was most recently home for the Kosair Shriners and Kosair Shrine Temple. Now it houses the recently renovated dining hall, where the food is good but the eyes on you will be intense (ask a fellow student)! 

What is the College Center?


Known affectionately by the students as "The Big 3," these individuals lead the program AND teach fundamental courses you will take during your time in the SOPP. They genuinely want your feedback and are invested in your careers! (You must name all 3 for the points!)

Who are Dr. Nash, Dr. Chapman, and Dr. Young?