Food Loss
Food Waste

This is the percentage of Tennesseans who are food insecure (latest numbers 2022) is...

What is 14%?


This is the reason these green beans can't be sold at market prices

What is their length?

(Markets like fresh green beans to be between 3 and 5 inches)


These are three of Tennessee's top five crops.

What are (any three of the following) soybeans, corn, cotton, tobacco, and wheat?


This is the stage in the food chain where the most food is lost.

Where are homes and restaurants?


This is where the first office of The Society of St. Andrew was located.

What is a sheep shed on a farm in Big Island, Virginia?


This is the percentage of Shelby County residents who are food insecure.

What is 13.4%


This is the reason these strawberries were headed for the landfill.

What is timing? 

They hadn't sold by the end of the market day.


This is the number of acres of farmland in Shelby County, TN.

What is 75,000 acres?


These are three inputs that are wasted when food is wasted.

What are (any of the following): land, water, fertilizers, labor, pesticides, packaging materials, transport (gas).


This is the year the Tennessee office of the Society of St. Andrew was established.

What is 2010?


This is the leading cause of hunger.

What is poverty?

"Poverty, unemployment and low wages lead to food insecurity." --Feeding America


This is the reason the farmer couldn't sell these sweet potatoes to the grocery store.

What is their size/shape?


This is my favorite farmers' market.

Tell each other about your favorite farmers' market! Points for all.


When it goes to waste, this type of food wastes the most inputs.

What is beef?


This story about gleaning is one of humanity's oldest known stories.

What is the Book of Ruth.


This is a consequence of food insecurity for children.

What is (any of these are correct): Malnourishment, obesity, poor performance at school?


This is the reason the farmer couldn't sell these ears of corn.

What is their position on the stalk? (They're the second or third ear on the stalk.)


This is the law that makes it impossible to sue someone for any mishaps caused by donated food.

What is the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act of 1996?


When it goes into a landfill, the decay of organic matter causes this greenhouse gas.

What is methane? (Over 20x more potent than carbon dioxide)


The Society of St. Andrew hit this incredible lifetime landmark this month!

One billion pounds of food shared with people in need!


This is a consequence of food insecurity for adults.

What is (any of these are correct) obesity, heart disease, stress-related illness, hypertension, stroke, and cancer?


This is the reason these peaches can't be sold to grocery stores.

What is their size? (They're too big!)


This is the act of gathering food that remains in fields after the main harvest.

What is gleaning?


This is one way to keep food from going to waste.

What is (any of the following) eating leftovers, using all parts of food, proper storage of food, feeding animals, composting?


In just this year, the Society of St. Andrew in the state of Tennessee has shared this much food with hungry neighbors.

What is one million pounds?