Primary sources
Secondary sources
Judgment and interpretation

What´s some examples of primary sources.

What is a diary or journal?


This type of secondary source provides a summary or analysis of historical events, often written by historians

What is a history book?


This type of opinion piece is often found in newspapers and expresses the viewpoint of the editorial board

What is an editorial?


This type of factual information is often found on calendars and refers to specific points in time, such as when events occurred

What is a date


This type of interpretation involves explaining or assigning meaning to symbols, images, or texts.

What is a symbolic interpretation?


This type of document, often written by a government or official entity, records the laws and decrees of a state or country

What is a legal document or statute?


This secondary source often appears in academic journals and involves the critique or interpretation of original research

What is a scholarly article?


This opinion piece, typically written by a guest contributor, shares personal insights or arguments on a current issue

What is an op-ed?


These factual statements refer to measurable quantities, such as population size or distance

What are statistics?


This type of judgment, often used in literary criticism, involves assessing the artistic value or significance of a work

What is a critical evaluation?


These firsthand accounts of battles, written by soldiers or generals, serve as primary sources for military history

What are military reports or letters?


This secondary source type is a book that compiles and interprets information from various primary sources about a specific topic

What is a textbook


These are brief expressions of individual opinions, often found at the end of online articles or in response to social media posts

What are comments or replies?


This type of fact, often found in maps and atlases, provides information about the physical characteristics of a location

What are geographical facts?


This type of interpretation is the process of drawing conclusions based on evidence and reasoning, often used in legal contexts

What is an inference?


This type of primary source includes original creative works like paintings, sculptures, and music compositions.

What are artworks or artistic works?


These secondary sources are reviews that discuss and evaluate the content, style, and significance of a newly published book or movie

What are book reviews or film reviews?


This type of opinion source is a published letter from a reader expressing their viewpoint on a topic, usually in a newspaper or magazine.

What is a letter to the editor?


This factual piece of information is a proven and observable event or phenomenon in science, often used to support theories

What is a scientific fact?


This judgment involves deciding the quality or worth of something, often leading to a decision or conclusion about its merit.

What is an appraisal?


This type of primary source is a speech delivered by a political leader, often recorded or transcribed for historical purposes

What is an oration or public address?


This type of secondary source is a detailed study that evaluates and synthesizes the findings from multiple primary sources on a particular subject.

What is a literature review?


This type of opinion is shared by experts or pundits on television or radio, often offering analysis or commentary on current events.

What is a commentary or expert analysis?


These are statements of fact established through legal procedures, often documented in court records and used as evidence

What are legal facts or findings of fact?


This complex interpretation involves analyzing historical events to understand their causes and effects, often shaping how history is written

What is historiographical interpretation?