What is Energy
Fossil Fuels
Electromagnetic Radiation
Energy Sources

What are the 3 basic things in the universe?

Energy, matter, and intelligence


Name the 3 subatomic particles

Electron, Proton, and Neutron
**Daily Double - what are their charges and where are they located.


What is Electromagnetic Radiation?

Energy from light from the stars (the sun)


What is Wind Energy?

energy in the kinetic energy of moving air molecules.


What is a quantum of energy?

The smallest piece of energy an atom or photon can contain.


Name the 2 forms of Potential Energy

Gravitational Potential Energy and Chemical Potential Energy


Why is light said to have a dual nature?

It behaves both like a wave and a particle


What is Chemical Potential Energy?

stored energy in the chemical bonds of fuel and food.


What are the 5 forms of energy?

Light, Kinetic, Potential, Thermal, and Nuclear


What are fossil fuels?

Coal, petroleum, and gas.  

***How were they formed?


What does it mean to say that "energy is quantized"?

Energy comes in little lumps called quanta.


How does the Hoover Dam create electricity from gravitational potential energy?

Water from the lake enters the turbine and falls, changing the gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy to spin turbines.


Define Kinetic Energy and give an example of how we use it.

Energy in motion.  Walking, writing notes, PE....


Describe 3 drawbacks of fossil fuels

Pollution - CO2 and other pollutants in the air; Risk of an oil spill or gas release; risk of having our fuel supplies taken away or interrupted do to a natural disaster or war


What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum?

All the possible wavelengths of electromagnetic wave energy.


What is the source of the Earth's thermal energy?

thermal energy is caused by the nuclear decay of radioactivity in the center of the Earth. temperatures are hotter than the surface of the sun.


Name the 4 places where energy in the universe is found.

Gravit. attraction btwn stars, Elec.Rad. in stars, Cosmic Microwave background, kinetic energy in moving stars and planets

Explain how fossil fuels are used to make energy

petroleum - gas for cars and planes; coal - steam for turbines to great electricity; natural gas - heat up homes and buildings, etc.

List the order of the solar spectrum

Infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light

**Daily Double: name in order the visible light spectrum


Explain the Nuclear Fission process.

The splitting apart of the nucleus of a large atom like uranium, causing a nuclear chain reaction.

**Daily Double - What are the drawbacks to Nuclear power?