Fast facts
Wild Life - people, culture and traditions - education
Religion - government - Famous people
Business and economy - trade - turism
Sport - National symbol
South africas Capital? A. Bloemfontein B. Pretoria C. Cape town
What is B. Pretoria
WILD LIFE: what is South africa known for??? A. The big four B. The red rhino C. The big five
What is C. The big five
REGILION: How many of South african population adheres to the christian faith??? A. 80% B. 70% C. 90%
What is A. 80%
BUSINESS AND ECONOMY:Renowned French economist Thomas Piketty will deliver the 13th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture on?? A. 3 oktober 2015 B. 3 oktober 2014 C. 3 oktober 2013
What is A. 3 oktober 2015
SPORT: It is a national sport that South africans are very good at?? A. Basketball B. Hockey C. Amarican football
What is B. Hockey
Population in 2015 estimate??? A. 45,659,009 B. 54,956,900 C. 45,569,090
What is B. 54,956,900
PEOPLE, CULTURE AND TRADITIONS: What is South africa often called?? A. The yellow, pink, purple and red nation B. The blue, green, Brown and Black nation C. The Rainbow nation
What is C. Rainbow nation
GOVERNMENT: South fricans urged to follow?? A. Nelson Mandelas' lead B. Benedict Daswa's lead C. berit Consuma's lead
What is B. Benedict Daswa's lead
TRADE: For the first time since the late_______ ?? A. 1980s B. 1970s C. 1990s
What is C. 1990s
NATIONAL SYMBOL: What is south africas national symbol? A. South africas national song B. South africas national animal C. South africas flag
What is C. South africas flag
Money/Currency in south Africa the valuta does called?? A. Rend B. Rynd C. Rand
What is C. Rand
WILD LIFE: how much do the ecosystem supports the recorded plant species?? A. 10.250 B. 9.600 C. 9.800
What is B. 9.600
FAMOUS PEOPLE: Who is South africas most famous actress?? A. Nelson Mandela B. Charlize Theron C. Johnny Clegg
What is B. Charlize Theron
TURISM:The country is highly diverse in terms of its _____ A. Climate B. Økonomi C. Flura
What is A. climate
SPORT: Rugby is very popular game. Each team consists of __ players.? A. 12 B. 17 C. 15
What is C. 15
Number of language?? A. 11 B. 21 C. 2
What is A. 11 language
PEOPLE, CULTURE AND TRADITIONS: Witch traditions and culture are also therefore prominet?? A. islam and Hindu B.Hindu and muslim C. islam and muslim
What is A. islam and hindu
FAMOUS PEOPLE: One of the famous people we have about, his name is Johnny but, what is his last name?? A. Johnny Brendt B. Johnny Mandela C. Johnny Clegg
What is C. Johnny Clegg
TRADE: The Matola Monument and Interpretative Centre in Maputo, unveiled on??? A. 13 september B. 12 september C. 11 september
What is C. 11 september
SPORT: The ball in Rugby have some caster? A. Oval and brown B. Oval and black C. Oval and blue
What is A. Oval and brown
How many of South African population adheres to the Christian faith??? A. 80 % B. 70 % C. 90 %
What is A. 80 %
EDUCATION: What do South africa have?? A. one of the most pretty cities in the World B. one of the highest rates of public Investment in education in the World C. one of the reatest økonomi in the world
What is B. one of the highest rates of public Investment in education in the World
FAMOUS PEOPLE: Nelson Mandela was the first?? A. president in South africa B. Black president in South africa C. democratic president
What is C. democratic president
BUSINESS AND ECONOMY: His book _________________ has been a worldwide sensation??? A. Captian in the twenty-First B. Capital in the Twenty-First Century C. In the twenty-first centry
What is B. Capital in the Twenty-First Century
NATIONAL SYMBOL: South africas flag are the national symbol but witch colors do it have? A. red, yellow, green, blue, black and white B. red, orange, green, blue, black and white C. red, orange, green, yellow, black and white
What is A. red, yellow, green, blue, black and white