The first black president of South Africa.
Who was Nelson Mandela?
An anti-apartheid movement in South Africa led by Stephen Biko.
What was the Black Consciousness Movement?
This law divided South Africans into racial categories such as "White", "Black", "Colored", and "Asian"; and required them to carry identification documents.
What was the Population Registration Act?
A political party in South Africa that put the system of apartheid into place.
What was the National Party?
An anti-apartheid activist and U.S. Representative from California
Who was Ronald Dellums?
The first time blacks were allowed to vote in South Africa.
What was the Election of 1994?
A South African law passed in 1953 that enforced racial segregation in schools
What was the Bantu Education Act?
These were a set of discriminatory laws enforced during apartheid, requiring Black South Africans to carry a document called a "passbook" which restricted their movement within the country.
What were Pass Laws?
An anti-apartheid activist who died in prison due to injuries inflicted by security officers.
Who was Stephen Biko?
When activists including Mandela were charged with sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the apartheid government.
What was the Rivonia Trial?
A series of laws that created racially segregated residential areas and made it illegal to live on or own land that was not assigned to your race.
What was the Group Areas Act?
This document called for an end to apartheid and new freedom and opportunity for black South Africans.
What was the Freedom Charter?
A South-African anti-apartheid activist and president of the African National Congress
Who was Nelson Mandela?
When police opened fire on peaceful protesters killing 69 people.
What was the Sharpeville Massacre?
The 1913 law prohibited black people from buying or renting land in areas designated as white.
What was the Native Lands Act?
A court-like body in South Africa that investigated human rights abuses during apartheid and used restorative justice practices to right past wrongs.
What was the Truth and Reconciliation Commission?
He was the Prime Minister of South Africa when apartheid was enacted into law.
Who was D.F. Malan?
When thousands of students took to the streets to protest new educational restrictions, police responded with tear gas and gunfire, killing over 100 children.
What was the Soweto Youth Uprising?
This law called for the relocation of all black South Africans to 8 homelands or Bantustans on about 13% of the land.
What was the Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act?
A political party in South Africa that started as a liberation movement known for its opposition to apartheid and has governed the country since 1994
What is the African National Congress?