S. Asia Vocabulary Terms
Religions of South Asia
Physical Geography of S. Asia
Other Countries of South Asia

Separation, division into two or more territorial units having separate political status.

What is partition?
The largest and most dominant religion in India.
What is Hinduism?
40 days and 40 nights of heavy rain and flooding. This occurs in South Asia every year.
What is a summer monsoon?
The Aryans were the first people to conquer and settle India thousands of years ago. What social system did they bring with them that was used by the people of India to help maintain social order.
What is the caste system?
This country in South Asia has a very dry climate. This country is predominantly Muslim. This country has had an issue with Islamic Fundamentalists and terrorism. This countries government is not very strong so there seems to be a lot of chaos in this country.
What is Pakistan?

the period of British rule in India, which lasted for nearly 200 years from 1857-1947

What is the raj?

A principle belief in Hinduism that a person is reborn after death in a continuous cycle.
What is reincarnation?
Extreme dry period with no precipitation for 40 days and 40 nights that occurs in South Asia.
What is a winter monsoon?
What is the largest movie industry in the world?
What is Bollywood?
Both of these countries are in the Himalayan Mountains. Both of these countries have a large Buddhist population. The country of ______________ encourages tourism at a high rate and openly welcomes outsiders into their country. The country of ______________ prefers to be isolated from the outside world to focus on their religion. 
What is Nepal? What is Bhutan?

Nonviolent protester in India, helped lead to independence.

Who is Mohandas Gandhi?

Finding inner peace and enlightenment is the ultimate goal of which South Asian religion?
What is Buddhism?

This involves high water flooding in low-lying areas during monsoon season.

What is a storm surge?
How is marriage different in India than in the United States?

What are arranged marriages?
Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries on Earth. They depend upon what crop for survival in Bangladesh?
What is rice?
The Buddha, Founder of Buddhism
Who is Siddhartha Gautama?
This is a sacred place to Hindus. Daily many Hindu's go here for purification and prayers. Many other people use this for many different reasons as well in India.
What is the Ganges River?
What is the highest point in South Asia?
What is Mt. Everest?
The process of companies moving their businesses to other countries because of cheaper wages and highly skilled workers.
What is outsourcing?
This is a small loan given to poor entrepreneurs in Bangladesh by the Grameen Bank to help them get started with a money making business for survival.
What is a microcredit?

A region of northern India and Pakistan over which several destructive wars have been fought.

What is Kashmir?
What are the holy texts of Hinduism?
What are the Vedas?
A dangerous storm with high winds and rains.
What is a cyclone?
This empire is critical to the history of South Asia because they brought with them the religion of Islam which has caused many religious conflicts in the region in the past 500 years.
What is the Mughal Empire?
The Maldives is unique to South Asia because of their government system. They are run by the rules of Quran. Religion is in every aspect of their lives. What religion is the Maldives, and what type of law are they run on?
What is Islam, what is Sharia law?