What is the tallest Mountain in the World?
Mt. Everest
Which South Asian leader was known for peaceful resistance?
Mahatma Ghandi
What is Lentil Soup called in many parts of South Asia?
What holiday do you celebrate at the end of Ramadan?
Intricate designs on one's hands or other body parts usually drawn before a wedding, holiday, or other important event.
What is the Bay South of Bangladesh called?
The Bay of the Bengal
What event in 1947 led to the partition of India into two separate nations?
The end of British Rule
What is the fried Triangle with meat/vegetables in it called?
What is the Hindu Festival of Lights?
What color do Brides usually wear in Afghanistani Weddings?
Green (sometimes red)
Which South Asian country is known as the "Land of the Thunder Dragon"?
Who was the founder of Bangladesh?
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
What is Bhutan's National Dish?
Ema Datshi
What is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar called?
Name Two Popular Religions in South Asia
Hinduism, Bhuddism, Shikism, Islam, etc. (there are a lot)
Which river forms the eastern border of Pakistan and the western border of India?
The Indus River
When was Afghanistan founded?
2200 BC
Where is Bis Haluva from?
The Maldives
What is South/South East Asian New Year called?
It has many names, including: Songkram (Thailand), Bangladeshi New Year, Lao New Year, Sinhalese New Year (Sri Lanka), Thingyan (Myanmar), Sangken (parts of India), Dai new year (china)
Name one South Asian Accessory
Nath, Tikka, Paayal, Bindi, etc (again, there are a lot)
Hint: There's 8.
Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, The Maldives, Nepal
What was the land mass that encompassed India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh called before the Partition of India?
Name one South Asian dessert we haven't talked about yet!
Gulab Jamuns, Doy, Payesh/Paish, etc
When is Maldives Independence Day?
July 26th
Name a higly respected animal in South Asia
cows, cats