The French and Indian War was fought between the French and this European nation.
What is Great Britain.
The Stamp Act established a direct tax on this important product.
What is paper.
This group of American colonists supported the Continental Congress and favored declaring independence from Britain.
Who are Patriots.
This critical battle in New York was often called a turning point in the Revolutionary War.
What is the Battle of Saratoga.
In South Carolina's first constitution the leader of the state government was known as this.
What is the president.
The French and Indian War was essentially a fight over this area of land.
What is the Ohio River Valley.
Colonists used this form of protest in the years before the Revolution, refusing to buy British goods.
What is a boycott.
South Carolina and New York had more of this group of colonists than any other colony in America.
Who are Loyalists.
This important South Carolina city experienced two periods of warfare during the Revolution, in 1776 and again in 1780.
What is Charleston.
While it wasn't ultimately successful, this document created the first government of the United States.
What is the Articles of Confederation.
As a result of losing the war the French were forced to give up their territory along these two rivers.
What are the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence.
This group used violence and intimidation to enforce boycotts and other forms of protest.
What is the Sons of Liberty.
The majority of South Carolina Patriots lived in this part of the colony.
What is the lowcountry.
This significant Patriot loss witnessed Continental troops line up toe-to-toe against well-trained British Red Coats.
What is the Battle of Camden.
This man led a rebellion that demonstrated the overall weakness of the Articles of Confederation.
Who is Daniel Shays.
Because of the fighting with the French and their Native allies, British settlers experienced miscommunications and hostilities with this South Carolina Native group.
Who are the Cherokee.
Though not actually a tax, this act caused even more outrage amongst colonists even leading to a well known party.
What is the Tea Act.
This group of South Carolinians did not participate in the Revolutionary war as soldiers (for the most part), but did provide much needed manpower.
Who are African Americans.
Bands of "mountain men" from North Carolina and South Carolina defeated a large force of Loyalists militia and British soldiers in this battle.
What is the battle of King's Mountain.
The signing of this treaty officially ended the Revolutionary War.
What is the Treaty of Paris
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! (Short Answer style)
In one to two complete sentences, explain how the French and Indian War led to the American Revolution.
War costs lots of money. The British had to increase taxes to repay debts. Taxes make colonists mad, rest is history.
Before, during, and after the Revolutionary War, this Congress made many important decisions that would shape the outcome of the American Revolution.
What is the Continental Congress.
Many Loyalists, living in this section of the colony, were not true loyalists, but merely wanted to be left alone to live in peace.
What is the backcountry/upcountry.
Patriot victory at the Battle of Cowpens meant that the British, led by this general, were forced out of South Carolina.
Who is General Cornwallis.
In a complete sentence, describe the biggest weakness of the Articles of Confederation.
Inability to tax, one state/one vote, no executive branch, no interstate trade, etc.