A violent storm with heavy winds and rain that formed over an ocean
An ocean which borders the southeast region to the east
Atlantic Ocean
Against slavery
The _____ ___ began in 1861 and caused the North to fight against the South.
Civil War
True or False?
The North was against slavery.
The rights all citizens have like the right to vote
Civil rights
Lands that are at times covered with water
Wanted slavery
A person's _____ _____ are basic rights a person has like voting and protections under the law.
civil rights
True or False?
The South won the Civil War.
Answer: The NORTH won the Civil War
A large farm in the South with one main crop grown and slaves were used
Body of water located between Texas and Florida
Gulf of Mexico
President Lincoln agreed with this area
_______ is when black people and white people were not allowed to go to the same schools in the South.
True or False?
An animal that no longer exists is an endangered species.
Answer: An animal that no longer exists is EXTINCT
Another name for the Southern states that succeeded from the union during the Civil War and had its own government
Rugged, steep land with narrow valleys
Appalachian Mountains
Had large plantations
____ is a form of wood that is used to make paper.
Lands that are at times covered with water are called wetlands
The time period after the Civil War when the South's buildings and its economy were rebuilt
Area of land with moderate elevation
Inner Coastal Plains
Had many of their soldiers lose their lives in battle
Both North and South
Coal is a _____ ____ that many power plants burn.
fossil fuel
True or False?
Citrus is a form of wood that is used to make paper.
Answer: PULP is a form of wood that is used to make paper.