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The Southern Regional Center is located on this road.

What is Judd Parkway?


This program completes an assessment when there are allegations of child abuse or child neglect AND provides ongoing services when they are necessary.

What is Child Protective Services (CPS)?

What is Child Welfare Services? 


Defined as compulsory contributions to government revenue, the SRC collected nearly $3,000,000 worth of these in 2024.

What are taxes?


Led by an elected official, this Wake County Department provides detention officers for our jails, serves official court documents, and provides law enforcement services.

What is the Wake County Sheriff’s Department?


This is one of the three facility-based partners that utilize the Southern Regional Center to serve their clients.

What is Advance Community Health, Monarch, and/or NCWorks?


This is one of the ten Wake County departments that are represented at the Southern Regional Center.

What is Board of Elections, Capital Area Workforce Development, Community Services, Environmental Services, General Services Administration (GSA), Health and Human Services, Housing Affordability & Community Revitalization, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Tax Administration?


Issued free of cost to recipients of the Food and Nutrition Services program, adults in Wake County will need one of these to fish in a lake or river.

What is a NC Fishing License?


The letters “A” and “R” in the acronym CMARC represent this type of child.

Care Management For __-____ Children

What is "At-Risk"?


This service is one of the five major programs provided by the Economic Support Services division.

What is Medicaid (Family and Children, Adult), Food and Nutrition Services (FNS), Energy Assistance, Childcare Subsidy, Work First?


The name of this mental/behavioral health agency at the SRC is signified by this black and orange butterfly.

What is Monarch?


This is the year that the Southern Regional Center opened its doors to the public.

What is 1996?


As authorized agents for the Register of Deeds, the Customer Service Specialists at the SRC can issue a certified copy of this type of certificate.

What are birth, death, and/or marriage certificates?


The 3 letters in the well-known acronym “WIC” represent these three words.

What are Women, Infants, and Children?


Available to uninsured patients, this payment scale is based on an individual’s ability to pay.

What is a Sliding Scale?


This facility-based partner assists job seekers with improving their skills and finding jobs AND helps businesses develop a qualified workforce.

What is the NCWorks Career Center?


Constructed in 2021, this building shares a campus with the SRC.

What is the Fuquay-Varina Library?


Regarding Economic Support Services, this is one of the two functions (units) regarding eligibility for the various programs.

What is Intake/Application? 

What is Review/Recertification?


This is one of the 5 Wake County Health Clinics offered at the Southern Regional Center.

What is Family Planning, Prenatal Care, Immunizations, Child Health, STD Testing and Treatment?


The Wake County Housing program that helps housed individuals avoid homelessness is known as 

“Wake _______”.

What is “Prevent”?


This long-term medical partner provides a full array of services, including primary care.

What is Advance Community Health?


This is a community outreach event that will take place at the SRC in March.

What is Community Pet Days?


This chemical compound is disseminated at the SRC and may be utilized during the unlikely event of a radiation emergency.

What is Potassium Iodide?

What is KI?


This word completes the foster care recruitment motto,

 “Raise Hope, Foster ______”.

What is “Dreams”?


The Onsite Water Quality Division provides permits for this type of construction.

What is a septic system, a pool, and/or a well?


Identified by the acronym "CAC", this group consists of community partners that assist in identifying the needs and priorities of the local community.

What is the Community Advocacy Committee?