Name the Southwest States
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma
This city is located in the southeast corner of Arizona
This is the capital of Texas
The Rocky Mountains enter the Southwest United States at this state
New Mexico
This country is the southern border of the southeast US
This state is OK
This Texas city is located in the southeastern portion of Texas and is aprox 50 miles from the Gulf oF Mexico
This is the capital of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City
The large body of water makes up the southeast border of Texas
Gulf of Mexico
This river, which is essential for the entire southwest starts in this state.
2 answers
Colorado River, Colorado
This is the 2nd largest state in the United States
This city is located in northeastern Oklahoma
This is the capital of Arizona
This lake or resevoir in Arizona supplies much of the water for Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California
Lake Meade
T or F- The Colorado River flows into the Gulf of California
This is the state that is the western border of Texas
New Mexico
This city is the most northeasten city we studied in Texas
This is the capital of New Mexico
Santa Fe
This is the dam on the Colorado River that allowed for the formation of Lake Meade
Hoover Dam
This river, which begins in New Mexico, forms the border between Mexico and Texas
Rio Grande River
This state is the farthest west state we have studied in the southwest
This city is the largest city in New Mexico
This is the capital of the United States
Washington D.C.
This river makes up the western border of Arizona
Coloroda River
These 2 states have New Mexico as their western border
Oklahoma and Texas