What major historical event was going on during the invasion?
The Cold War
Who was the president during the invasion of Afghanistan?
Jimmy Carter
What was the name of the resistance group that fought the Soviets throughout the invasion and eventually controlled the country of Afghanistan?
The Mujahedin
Who was the president of the Soviet Union during the invasion?
Leonid Brezhnev
What type of weapon donated from the USA to the Afghanistan resistance caused the most damage and loss to the Soviet forces?
Anti-Aircraft Missles
When did the Soviets enter Afghanistan?
What government group was put in place after the civil wars in Afghanistan in 1992?
The Taliban
What are the names of the countries in the middle of Asia? (ex: Pakistan and Afghanistan)
Persian Golf States
The USA also expressed their opposition to the Soviet Union by Boycotting what event in 1980?
Olympic Games
In what year did the Afghan communist party seize power and kill the country's prime minister?
About how many Afghans died during this time period?
1 million
Who were the resistance group who caused the initial civil war in Afghanistan, and with the help of the USA was able to defeat the Soviets?
The Mujahedin
The Soviets invaded Afghanistan as a way to counter the alliance of the USA and what other country?
Around what year did the Soviets set their sights on Afghanistan?
Who ordered the withdrawal of Soviet forces in Afghanistan?
U.N. General Assembly
List 3 major reasons that lead the Soviets to invade Afghanistan
Oil and other resources
Strategic Location
Afghanistan recently underwent a revolution/civil war
What was the name of the Accords signed by the USA and USSR, which stated neither country could interfere with Afghanistan or Pakistan?
The Geneva Accords
When did the Soviets BEGIN moving out of Afghanistan and when did they move OUT of Afghanistan?
Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev called the occupation of Afghanistan a what, before withdrawing his troops?
Bleeding Wound