The reason to use ser here: Ella es mi amiga.
What is relationship?
aburrido, in English
What is bored?
What is your name (the question), in Spanish
Como te llamas?
the definition of both verbs
What is to know?
actor in Spanish
What is actor?
The reason to use estar here: estoy caminando
What is action?
ocupado and preocupado in English
What are busy and worried?
What is cuantos anos tienes?
the yo for saber
What is se (with an accent mark)
escritor in English
what is writer?
The reason to use ser here: Son las 2:00
What is time?
angry, healthy and excited in Spanish
What are enojado, sano and emocionado?
We are cold, in Spanish
What is tenemos frio?
The yo for conocer
What is conozco?
jefe and jefa in English
What is boss?
The reason to use estar here: ellos estan alegres
What is emotion?
wrong and sick in Spanish
What are equivocado and enfermo?
what is tienen miedo?
To know people and places
What is conocer?
mechanic and pilot in Spanish
what are mecanico and piloto?
the reason to use ser here: Ellos son de Guatemala
What is origin?
In English: Ellos estan deprimidos y asustados porque la clase es aburrida.
What is they are depressed and scared because the class is boring?
What forms don't spell change in a shoe verb?
To know facts and how to do something
What is saber?
abogado, cantante y consejero in English
What are lawyer, singer and counselor?