What are the 4 Harry Potter Hogwarts houses?
What are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin?
This ancient Israelite king was known to have defeated a giant using a slingshot and stones.
Who is King David?
The Olympics is held every how many years?
What is every 4 years?
What is the largest mammal on the planet?
What is the blue whale?
This homie is know to want to become a middle school teacher
Who is Hannah?
"To" "between" "above" and "in" are all types of this part of speech
What are prepositions?
These are the names of all the gospels
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
Which of the following SpongeBob scenes is not a famous meme?
(Show Meme)
What is the bottom left scene?
Females of this highly venomous spider are known for eating their male mates after mating
What is a black widow?
This homie has an older sibling and is known to like drawing manga
Who is Luisa?
This book is known to be the most printed book so far in recorded history
What is the Bible?
In the book of Genesis, what supernatural ability does Joseph use when he helped Pharaoh out?
What is dream interpretation?
These are the 4 shapes/symbols on the right hand side of all playstation controllers.
What are X, O, triangle, and square?
This part of the Earth's atmosphere is known for absorbing most of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation
What is the Ozone layer?
This homie is known to have a "gansta rap name"
Who is Felipe?
In the famous novels and stories of Sherlock Holmes, this is the name of Sherlock's assistant
What is Dr. John Watson
This first century church leader was know for being one of Jesus' siblings
Who is James?
What is the name of this meme? (Btw this meme was recently sold as an NFT for for $500,000!)
What is "Disaster Girl"?
What is a baby porcupine called?
What is a PORCUPETTE!!? (true story)
These two households are known for their cats joining us from time to time in our Wed zoom youth groups
What are Sterling's household and Andrew/Nathan's household?
If the word "who/whom" appears in a sentence, when is it correct to use the form "whom"?
When is the word the object of the sentence/verb?
In the book of Numbers, there is a story of a particular animal speaking. What kind of animal was this?
What is a donkey?
What is a snake?
What is the official regulation height for a basket ball hoop?
What is 10 feet?
What are hurricanes called in the eastern hemisphere?
What are typhoons?
This homie was a regular in our group before the pandemic but doesn't come anymore because they don't like Zoom (not adult)
Who is AJ?