the third planet from the sun
what is earth?
the earths closeset "friend"or neighbor
what is the moon?
biggest star we know
what is Garnet
how many days is one year?
365 days
what time do you eat in space?
at lanch time!
biggest planet in solar sytem
what is jupiter?
how many moons does jupiter have?
more than 87
dead star
what is a supernova?
what is three of the most known rovers sent to mars?
sojounior,oprtunity,and couriosity
what dance do alien do?
they do the moon-wallk!
bigest star in the solar stytem
what is the sun?
saturns biggest moon
what is tiatan?
srongest telescope in history
what is the james webb telescope?
first person on the moon
what is neil armstrong?
how do scientists get rid of their stinky breath?
they eat expiri-mints!
how many dwarf planets are in the solar sytem?
what is pluto,ceres,makemake,eris,and humea?
what color is taitan?
biggest space staition
what is the ISS?
first amarican in space
what is john glenn?
how do you get a baby to sleep in space?
you rocket
A planet not in the solar sytem
What is an exo-planet?
do some exo-planets have moons?
yes they do
first living thing in space
what are fruit fly?
first person in space
what is yuri gagarin?
how do you throw a party in space?
you planet!