How old is the universe
13.7 billion years old
Who was the first person to ever step on the moon
Neil Armstrong
How many planets are in our solar system
Who was the person who discovered cosmic background radiation
Edwin Hubble
What was the name of the rocket that reached the moon
Apologies 11
What is in the middle of most galaxies
A black hole
What is the brightest star in the sky at night
The North Star
What is the name of the largest space station in orbit
International Space Station/ISS
Why is Pluto no longer considered a planet
Pluto is to small to be considered a plant
What is the red dot on Jupiter
A very large storm
Who was the first person ever go in space
Yuri Gagarin
How often does the Halley comet visit Earth
Every 72-80 years
How often does a total eclipse occur
Every 100 years
When was the first Mars Rover launched
What is the name of the galaxy closest to us
The Andromeda Galaxy