Definition of revolve
Spins around an object
Name all the planets in order
Mercury, Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune
What are asteroids made out of?
Silicate rocks, metals, and clay
What level is our sun in
Main sequence
which planet has an average density that is less than water? (in our solar system)
definition of rotating
spins around its axis
What is the planet closest to the sun
What layer does meteors burn up
What is the theory called of how our Universe began
The big bang theory
What is the process called when your body stretches and becomes a line of partials when you interact a black hole
Definition of star
A fixed luminous object In the night sky, is large, remote, incandescent body like the sun
what are the 4 inner planets
mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Small pieces of ice, rock, or metal that have broken off of colliding comets, or asteroids
What is a color of a star that is Hot
What planet (in our solar system) rains diamonds
(2 answers)
Neptune and Uranus
Definition of orbit
the curved path of a celestial abject around a star, planet, or moon
what are the inner planets called
What are comets made out of
Ice, dust, and rock
What happens to the sun when it dies (multiple answers)
Becomes a black dwarf
Becomes a black hole
Becomes a neutron star
Who's the Roman god of mercury
Definition of asteroid
Small rocky body orbiting the sun
What are the 4 outer planets
Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus,Neptune
Chunks of ice with bits of rock and dust sometimes called dirty snowballs
What is the color of a star that is Cold
Roman god of Venus