What are the 2 types of Eclipses.
Solar and Lunar
What does it mean to "Wane"
For the moon to shrink.
Closest star to Earth.
The Sun
How many seasons are there and name them.
4 seasons.
Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall
What is the order of a Solar Eclipse.
Sun, Moon, then Earth.
How long does it take the moon to orbit the Earth.
27.3 days
What causes the tides in the ocean.
The gravitational pull of the Moon.
What causes the seasons to occur.
Earth's tilt on the imaginary axis and revolution around the Sun.
What is the order of a Lunar Eclipses.
Sun, Earth, then Moon.
Meaning of Waxing.
Waxing means to grow.
How long is one full rotation of the Earth on its axis.
24 hours
When does Summer and Spring start.
June 21st
March 21st
What is another name for a Lunar Eclipse
Blood Moon.
What phase of the moon can you only see the right side of the moon at night.
1st quarter moon
The Moon creates a shadow on part of the Earth.
Solar Eclipse.
What seasons has the longest days.
What is another name for Solar Eclipse
A ring of Light.
A phase of the moon when it appears invisible from Earth because the side facing Earth is not illuminated by the sun.
New Moon
In 1969 he was the first person to walk on the moon.
When the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing Spring time what season does the Southern Hemisphere experience.