What does the word "aster" & "onomy" mean?
Star & Knowledge of
Knowledge of the stars.
What is the sun?
A star
Mercury is the _____ planet from the sun in our solar system
Why is Venus called earths twins?
Their both about the same size
The imaginary line that divides earth in half?
Words that mean circle around another object?
Revolve or Orbit
How far is the sun from earth?
93,000,000 miles
How many earth days does it take Mercury to make 1 rotation?
59 earth days
1 full day on Mercury is just under 30 days and just under 30 night on earth.
What is the atmosphere like on Venus?
Green house effect
Top half of earth is called?
Northern Hemisphere
Who founded the heliocentric theory?
Nicolas Copernicus
What does it mean when earth has completed on revolution around the sun?
a year has passed
How many earth days does it take Mercury to make 1 revolution?
88 earth days
Whats special about the rotation of Venus?
Crust, Mantle, Outer core, Inner core
How does sunspots affect earth?
The more sunspots the hotter the weather is.
The less sunspots the cooler the weather is.
Why does Mercury always look dark and filled with craters?
No atmosphere
-to project light waves
-to burn up asteroids
Venus is the _____ planet in our solar system
Earths magnetic field is produced in which layer of the earth?
Outer core
What does NASA stand for?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Which color has short waves?
What shape does Mercury orbit in?
Oval (elliptical orbit)
Venus is named after the Roman goddess of ____ and ____.
Love & beauty
Particles that make up solar winds trapped in the magnetic field produces what beautiful phenomenon?
Aurora Borealis