Light and Waves
The Solar System
Objects in our Universe

Can humans see these types of light with their eyes? (Answer Yes or No for each)

A. X ray light

B. Infrared light

C. Optical light

D. Ultra Violet light

A. X ray light : NO

B. Infrared light: NO

C. Optical light: YES

D. Ultra Violet light: NO


I understand how to build and repair motors, structures and many different types of machinery. Who am I?

A Mechanic


What does VLA stand for? 

A. The "Very Long Array" 

B. The "Very Large Array"?

B. The "Very Large Array"


Name 5 things that are found in our Solar System?

Planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, Sun, satellites, hot dogs, humans, water, gas, ect...


Is the Earth at the center of the Universe?

No! But sometimes we model the Earth as the center because we observe all of space from where we are on Earth!


Fill in the blanks:

"Light is an example of a ____ wave, and sound is an example of a ____ wave."

Word Bank:

seismic, compression, transverse, tidal

"Light is an example of a transverse wave, and sound is an example of a compression wave."


I design 'smart' computer systems which are able to recognize human faces and languages and replicate human decision making. Who am I?

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer


Is the VLA located in the town of Magdalena or The Plains of San Agustin?

The Plains of San Agustin


True or False: Our seasons on planet Earth (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) are caused by the 23.5 degree tilt of Earth's axis.



True or False: All stars are suns.


True! Our sun is just an average star. There is only one star/sun in our solar system, but there are hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy!


Match the object to the type of light that it can detect or block.

A. Heat detecting Camera

B. Radio Antenna

C. Human Eyes

D. Sunscreen lotion

1. Optical Light

2. Ultraviolet Light

3. Radio Light

4. Infrared Light

A. Heat detecting Camera: Infrared Light

B. Radio Antenna: Radio Light

C. Human Eyes: Optical Light

D. Sunscreen lotion: Ultraviolet Light


I plan, design, build and troubleshoot the electronics that make scientific instruments work. Who am I?

An Electrical Engineer.


Do you have to be an Astronomer to work at the VLA?



Which model (A or B) correctly shows what is happening during a Lunar Eclipse?

Model B


Complete the Cosmic Address:

1. _________

2. Sun

3. Solar System

4. __________

5. Milky Way Galaxy

6. __________

7. Virgo Supercluster

8. __________

9. __________

1. Earth

2. Sun

3. Solar System

4. Orion Arm

5. Milky Way Galaxy

6. Local Group

7. Virgo Supercluster

8. Laniakea Supercluster

9. Universe (1?)


What is another word for light?

Energy, ray, photon, waves, transverse waves, radiation, electromagnetic radiation, etc.


I use computer programs to draw images of what astronomers believe a black hole may look like from close up. Who am I?

A Graphic Artist


Pick the correct statement:

1.  The VLA collects stardust from space which we can see with our eyes.


2. The VLA collects radio light from space which we cannot see with our eyes.

2. The VLA collects radio light from space which we cannot see with our eyes.


Is the force of gravity stronger between 

two humans which are 10,000 miles apart or two massive planets which are 10,000 miles apart? Explain.

The force of gravity is stronger between two massive planets. The force of gravity depends on the mass of the two objects and the distance between them. Because in both examples the objects are the same distance apart and planets are more massive than people, the two planets have stronger gravity between them.


Which statement is true? (A or B)

A. Astronomers have determined that the Universe is infinitely old.

B. Astronomers have determined that the Universe is about 13.6 billion years old.

B. Astronomers have determined that the Universe is about 13.6 billion years old.


Look at the 2 images of waves:

1. Which of these waves has a greater amplitude?

2. Which of these waves has a greater frequency?

3. Which of these waves has greater energy?

1. Which of these waves has a greater amplitude? A

2. Which of these waves has a greater frequency? B

3. Which of these waves has greater energy? B


I use number modeling, statistics and trends to predict outcomes and solve problems in a variety of subjects. Who am I?

A Mathematician


How many antennas/telescopes does the VLA have?

A. 27

B. 22

C. 28

D. 107

C. 28


Name 4 different objects in our Solar System that are in these 4 states of matter:

1. Solid: ___________

2. Liquid: __________

3. Gas: __________

4. Plasma: _________

1. Solid: rocky planet, moon, comet, asteroid, satellite, space telescope, etc...

2. Liquid: Earth water, Europa water Ocean, Titan Methane Lakes, etc...

3. Gas: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth's atmosphere, etc...

4. Plasma: Sun/star, lightning, Northern Lights (aurorae), etc...


What strange object, that doesn't give off any light, lives at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy?

A Black Hole