Moon & Phases
Sun and Other Stars
Stages of A Star's Life
Planets In Our Solar System
Space Science

Where does the light of the moon come from?

What is... The moon is lit by the sun.  OR    It reflects light from the sun?


What is a star?

What is... a gigantic balls of exploding gas (held together by gravity)?


Stars spend the majority of their lives in this stable phase, where hydrogen fusion occurs in their cores.

What is.. the main sequence phase?


This planet is known for its striking rings, made up of ice particles, rocks, and dust.

What is... Saturn?


In 1969, this American astronaut became the first human to set foot on the Moon.

Who is... Neil Armstrong?


Is the moon always the same shape? 

What is... Yes, the moon is always the same shape?


Why should you never look directly at the sun?

What is... The sun can damage your eyes?


What force pulls gas and dust together to create a nebula?

What is... gravity.


 In order from the closest to the Sun to the farthest, name the four terrestrial planets.

What is... Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars?


What is the name of the optical instrument used by astronomers to magnify distant objects in the sky, including stars and galaxies?

What is... a telescope?


What causes tides in Earth's oceans?

What is... The pull of the moon's gravity?


What do stars produce?

What is... light and heat?


During this phase, low-mass stars like our Sun will expand into a much larger, cooler, and more luminous state.

What is... the red giant phase?


Formerly considered the ninth planet, this celestial body was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006.

What is... Pluto?


With surface temperatures reaching up to 880 degrees Fahrenheit (471 degrees Celsius), this planet holds the record for being the hottest in our solar system. What is its name?  Hint: Hottest Planet

What is... Venus?


How much larger is the sun compared to the moon?

What is... 400 times bigger?


What is the name of the brightest star in the night sky, located in the constellation Canis Major?

What is... Sirius?


This catastrophic event occurs when a massive star reaches the end of its life cycle and undergoes a violent explosion.

What is... a supernova?


In reverse order from the farthest to the closest to the Sun, name the last three planets in our solar system.

What is... Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn?


Launched in 1957 by the Soviet Union, this was the world's first artificial satellite, marking the beginning of the space age.

What is... Sputnik 1?


What are the markings on the moon that can be seen from Earth that are caused by asteroids?

What is... rays?


Fission and fusion are two fundamental processes in nuclear physics. Fission involves the splitting of atomic nuclei, while fusion involves the merging of atomic nuclei. Which process powers the Sun and other stars?

What is fusion?


What are all the stages of both a regular size star and a massive star? Hint: 10 Total

What is... nebula, protostar, main sequence star, red super giant, supernova, black hole, neutron star, red giant, white dwarf, and black dwarf?


Uranus is unique among the planets in our solar system because it rotates on its side, with its axis of rotation nearly perpendicular to its orbit around the Sun. 

What is the term for this unusual orientation?

What is... axial or axil tilt?


Following the success of the Apollo 11 mission, which Apollo mission became the second to land astronauts on the Moon in 1969?

What is... Apollo 12?