Origins of the Universe
Cosmic Phenomena
Our Solar System

This theory explains that the universe began from a very hot and dense state and has been expanding ever since.

What is the Big Bang Theory?


This concept describes the distance light travels in one year, used to measure astronomical distances.

What is a light year?


What process is responsible for stars shining?

Nuclear fusion - Two isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium/ hydrogen-2 and tritium/ hydrogen-3) combine to form a helium nuclei, neutron and large amounts of energy


This hypothesis explains the formation of our solar system from a rotating cloud of gas and dust.

What is the Nebular Hypothesis?


This term describes the initial extremely hot and dense state of the universe before it began to expand.

What is singularity?


True or false: Some scientists believe that once the universe ends, another will begin with a second Big bang event.



What are the two most common gases making up a star?

Hydrogen and helium


In the Nebular Hypothesis, this is the dense, hot center of the forming solar system where the Sun eventually formed.

What is the protostar?


This type of radiation, detected throughout the universe, provides evidence for the Big Bang Theory and is considered the afterglow of the initial explosion.

What is Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB)?


The formation of this type of structure is explained by the Nebular Hypothesis and is a large, rotating disk of gas and dust surrounding a newly formed star.

Protoplanetary Disk


What is a nebula?

Clouds of gas and dust where stars are formed


This process involves the gradual accumulation of material into larger bodies, such as planets and moons, from a disk of gas and dust.

What is accretion?


This phenomenon involves light from distant galaxies shifting towards the red end of the spectrum due to the universe's expansion.

What is redshift?


This concept refers to the stretching of light waves from distant galaxies due to the expansion of the universe.

What is redshift?


What is a supernova?

A huge explosion. Created when a supergiant blows up.


How old is our Solar System

What is 4.6 billion years 


The universe's age is estimated by measuring this background radiation, which is a snapshot of the universe when it was young.

What is Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation?


This concept refers to the shift in the wavelength of light from celestial objects due to their movement away from us.

The Doppler Effect


State the life cycle of a star less than 8 times the mass of our sun.

nebula, protostar, main sequence/ small star, red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf, black dwarf


What is the age of the Earth?

4.6 billion years