How big is the sun?
The Sun is 864,400 miles (1,391,000 kilometers) across.
What is the moon made out of?
The moon is mostly made of iron.
Name the inner planets and list them from smallest in size to biggest in size.
Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Earth.
Why are the outer planets called gas giants?
They are mostly made of hydrogen and helium gas
Which of Jupiter's moons is the most likely candidate to harbor life?
What type of star is the sun?
The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star.
How big is the moon?
The moon's equatorial circumference is 6,783.5 miles.
How many moons does the inner planet Mars have in total and what are their names?
Earth has one moon named "Moon" and Mars has two small moons named Phobos and Deimos.
What are the names of the outer planets and list them from smallest to biggest in size.
Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter
What are Jupiter's moons composed of?
Rocks and ice mixed together
What is the sun made of?
The Sun is composed of hydrogen (around 92%) and helium (around 8%).
What type of star is the moon?
The moon is not considered a star.
What are inner planets composed of?
Metals and rocks
What is the relationship between outer planets and the orbit time of inner planets?
What are the main four moons of Jupiter?
Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa
What would happen to Earth if the Sun didn't exist?
If the Sun didn't exist, Earth would be a permanently dark and freezing planet.
How far is the moon from the earth?
Moon is an average of 238,855 miles (384,400 km) away.
What is the relation between the inner planets and the outer planets and the inner planets orbits compared to outer planets.
Inner planets orbit from 2 times, 3 times, or any other multiple times the next outer planet orbits.
What gases and liquids are on the outer planets?
Hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia, and water vapor for gases and liquid hydrogen.
Around how many miles are Jupiter's moons?
A few miles to 3107 miles
How heavy is the Sun?
The Sun weighs about 333,000 times as much as Earth.
How bright is the moon?
The intensity of moonlight varies greatly depending on the lunar phase.
Why are inner planets more round at their poles than outer planets?
Inner planets rotates slower than the outer planets
How many moons orbit around the outer planets? Name the main moons that orbit around each planet.
293 moons, and the names are Ganymede, Enceladus, Miranda, and Triton
What is the distance between Jupiter and Jupiter's moons
The range of distance between Jupiter and Jupiter's moons is 421,800 kilometers to around 24 million kilometers