Sun as a Star
3rd/4th grade review

What is gravity?

Answer: It is a force that pulls objects toward each other.


What type of star is the sun?

Answer: The sun is a medium-sized yellow star.


What causes a shadow?

Answer: An object blocking light creates a shadow.


What causes the seasons on Earth?

Answer: The tilt of the Earth’s axis as it orbits around the sun.


What is the best action to take if a tornado warning is issued for your area?

Seek shelter in a sturdy building or a basement, away from windows and doors.


How does gravity affect objects on Earth?

Answer: It keeps us and everything else grounded on the surface of the Earth.


Why is the sun important for life on Earth?

Answer: It provides light and heat that are essential for life.


How does the position of the sun affect the size of a shadow?

Answer: Shadows are longer in the morning and evening and shorter at noon.


How many seasons are there in a year?

Answer: Four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.


What happens to water in rivers and lakes when it gets warm?

It evaporates into the air and can eventually form clouds.


What would happen to us if there was no gravity?

Answer: We would float away into space!


How does the sun produce energy?

Answer: Through a process called nuclear fusion.


What happens to a shadow when the light source moves closer?

Answer: The shadow becomes larger.


What causes day and night patterns?

The earth rotating on it's axis, and the Earth's rotation around the sun.


How do clouds affect the weather?

Clouds can block sunlight and bring cooler temperatures or precipitation like rain or snow.


Name one way gravity affects the movement of planets.

Answer: It keeps planets in orbit around the sun.


True or False. The sun is the biggest star in space?

Answer: False.

(It is the biggest star in OUR solar system).


Name one way shadows can be used in everyday life.

Answer: To tell the time using a sundial.


Why do we have longer days in the summer?

Answer: The North or South Pole is tilted toward the sun during summer.


How can recycling can help protect Earth’s natural resources?

Recycling helps protect Earth’s natural resources by reducing the need to extract and process new raw materials. When we recycle items like paper, plastic, and metal, we reuse materials instead of throwing them away. This conserves resources like trees, oil, and minerals, and reduces pollution from manufacturing processes. Recycling also helps decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills, which can harm the environment. By recycling, we help preserve natural resources and create a cleaner, healthier planet.


How does the strength of gravity change with distance?

Answer: The farther away two objects are, the weaker the gravitational pull between them.


Why does the sun appear bigger than other stars?

Answer: It is closer to earth.


How can shadows help scientists understand the sun's position?

Answer: They can indicate the time of day and direction of light.


Why do the stars change with the seasons?

Earth travels around the Sun in a roughly circular path. As it moves, our view of the night sky changes. In the winter, the night sky is oriented towards different parts of the galaxy compared to the summer.


What are two important items to include in an emergency preparedness kit for natural disasters, and why are they essential?

Answer: Two important items to include in an emergency preparedness kit are:

  1. Water: Having a supply of clean drinking water is crucial because it ensures you stay hydrated if you are without water sources due to a disaster or if water services are disrupted.

  2. Flashlight: A flashlight is essential because it provides light during power outages, helping you navigate safely and find necessary items in the dark.

These items are vital for ensuring you can manage basic needs and stay safe during and after a natural disaster.