A unit of measurement for distance used to measure large distances in space.
What is Astronomical Units?
Consisting of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars all of which have solid rocky surfaces.
What are the Terrestrial Planets?
Small objects made of rock or metal that orbits the Sun. Can be connected to causing the extinction of dinosaurs.
What is an asteroid?
total or partial blocking of one object in space by another
What is an Eclipse?
the alternate rising and falling of sea levels due to the gravitational forces between the Moon, Sun and the rotation of the Earth
What are Tides?
the imaginary line between the north and south poles which the Earth spins upon
What is Axis of Rotation?
Consisting of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all of which have thick atmospheres and no solid outer layer of their planet.
What are the Gas Giant Planets?
Objects in space that have entered a planet’s atmosphere that burn due to traveling at high speeds.
What is a meteor?
When the moon travels between the Sun and the Earth causing the Earth to become engulfed in a shadow cast by the moon
What is a Solar eclipse?
The period when the Moon appears to be growing as more area is illuminated with sunlight
What is Waxing?
The motion of one object moving around another object
What is Revolution?
A smaller spherical object in space that resembles a small planet but lacks certain technical criteria required to be classified as such.
What are Dwarf Planets?
Cosmic snowballs of frozen gasses, rock and dust that orbit the Sun.
What are Comets?
When the moon moves into the Earth’s shadow making it appear darkened in the night sky
What is a Lunar Eclipse?
The period when the Moon appears to be shrinking as the visible surface is decreasing
To spin in place
The ideal distance from a star that creates the appropriate environment for liquid water to exist.
What is the Goldilocks Zone?
A small, rocky or metallic object that orbits the sun in space.
What is a Meteoroids?
Inner region of a shadow
What is an umbra?
when the moon is between half-moon and full moon, a majority of the moon is illuminated
What is Gibbous?
a repeating curved path one object in space takes around another object
What is Orbit?
This planet is the 5th planet from the Sun
What is Jupiter?
A rock that has fallen to Earth from space.
What is a Meteorite?
Outer region of a shadow
What is a penumbra?
when the moon is between new moon and first or last quarter, only a sliver of the surface is illuminated
What is Crescent?