Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
The process of prolonged reduction in the altitude of a satellite's orbit. This can be due to drag produced by an atmosphere due to frequent collisions between the satellite and surrounding air molecules.
What is Orbital Decay?
The sensation of weight that you feel, which is equal to the sum of the contact forces resisting your true weight.
What is Apparent Weight?
The Process of deliberately leaving a stable Earth orbit and re-entering the atmosphere in order to return to the surface of the Earth.
What is De-Orbiting?
A period of no communication with a spacecraft due to a surrounding layer of ionised atoms forming in the heat of re-entry.
What is an Ionisation Blackout?
A path a projectile follows during flight.
What is Trajectory.
The force that acts to maintain circular motion and is directed towards the centre of the circle.
What is Centripetal Force?
A field within which any mass will experience a gravitational force. The field has both strength and direction.
What is Gravitational Force?
The energy of a mass due to its position within a gravitational field. On a large scale, it is defined as the work done to move an object from infinity(or some point far away) to a point within a gravitational field. Measured in Joules
What is Gravitational potential energy
An orbit higher than 250 km and lower than 1000 km.
What is a Low Earth Orbit?
A stratergy used within space probes to achieve a change in velocity with little expenditure of fuel.
What is the Slingshot Effect?
The force on a mass due to the gravitational field of a large celestial body such as earth. Measured in Newtons.
What is Weight
Circular motion with a uniform orbital speed.
What is Uniform Circular Motion?
The proposed medium for light and other electromagnetic waves, before it was realised that these waveforms do not need a medium in order to travel.
What is the Aether?
The force delivered to a rocket by its engines.
What is Thrust?
A persons apparent weigt as a multiple of his/her normal true weight.
What is g force?
an altitude at which the period of the orbit precisely matches that of Earth. This corresponds to an altitude of approximately 35 800 km.
What is a Geostationary Orbit?
Weight experienced by a body of mass lying somewhere withing a gravitational field.
What is True Weight?
an experiment first performed in 1887 by A. A. Michelson and E. W. Morley, in which an interferometer was used to attempt to detect a difference in the velocities of light in directions parallel and perpendicular to the earth's motion. The negative result was explained by the special theory of relativity.
Explain the Michelson-Morley experiment.
An object launched into the air.
What is a Projectile
The slowing down of events as observed from a reference frame in relative motion.
What is Time Dilation?
A non-accelerated environment. Only steady motion or no motion is allowed.
What is an Inertial frame of reference?
The frame of reference within which a measured event occurs or measured object lies at rest.
What is a rest frame?
The initial velocity required by a projectile to rise vertically and just escape the gravitational field of a planet.
What is Escape Velocity?
The instantaneous direction and speed of an object in circular motion along its path.
What is Orbital Velocity?
the concept that whether two spatially separated events occur at the same time – is not absolute, but depends on the observer's reference frame.
What is relativity of simultaneity?