which planet number are we away from the sun
what year did humans land on the moon
how many planets are there
what is the star the earth orbits called
the sun/sol
what is our galaxy called
milky way
what is the u.s's space company program thing called
what is the Latin name for the moon, which is better know as the "real name" for the moon
what is the order of the planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
what color is the sun
what galaxy will eventually collide with us and we can see with the naked eye
andromeda galaxy
what multi nation space craft continuesly orbits the earth
what is the missions that sent people to the moon called
what is the biggest planet
what is the closest star to us
proxima centauri
has a black hole ever been photographed
how high up is space
which planet has the most moons
saturn with 82 (most are just lil asteroids)
what is the dwarf planet that used to be a planet but then got demoted because there is too many like it, so they had to change the definition of a planet
what causes the northern lights
solar activity on the earths magnetic field
what is a supernova
the crazy gassy colorful explosion of a star
why doesn't the sun's radiation kill us
earth's magnetic field & ozone
the Galilean moons (Ganymede, io, Calisto, and Europa)
what is the brightest planet in the night sky
what is the brightest star in the night sky
what is a nebula
large cloud of dust and gas in space where new stars are born