Electronic Devices
Building Upkeep
Parent Communication

This should be entered by 9:05 each morning.

What is class attendance?


Students needing to make phone calls during the day should NOT be sent to the office…if it is deemed important please please have them use this under your supervision instead.

What is the classroom phone?


We should take special care of these vital members of our staff. We should be intentional about telling them “Thank you” for a job well done.

Who are the custodians?


This should be sent celebrating classroom happenings, learning activities and areas students will be working on to encourage active parent participation.    

What is a regular newsletter?


The protection of a child’s records and rights to information about the child’s progress.

What is FERPA? 

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 


The time you should be standing outside of your classroom door to greet students or standing at your assigned area.

What is 8:50?


This should be checked in to the front office with the secretary upon arrival in the building or locked up by the teacher in the classroom. Teachers will be responsible for loss or damage if kept in classrooms.    

What are student cell phones?


Each classroom teacher should assign this job weekly. This person is to stay in the bathroom at all times while the class is taking a bathroom break. They will also escort any student to the bathroom throughout the day. They should stand in the corner of the bathroom and should not talk to or bother other classmates.

What is a bathroom monitor?


These should be made when writing notes to parents that we might need as later documentation. For any negative notes homes, it is important that you keep a _____ and give a _____ to the principal.  

What is a copy?


Den Dollars, Tiger Paw Prints, Positive Office Referrals, Student of the Week and Caught in Your Seat.

What are building wide incentives?


This would include seating plans, schedules, lesson plans, instructional materials, emergency information, etc. Also, included is a prepared “split list” plan to divide your students in the event someone is not available.

What are sub plans?


Cellular phones, including smart phones; tablets; student-owned computers; accessories such as headphones, earbuds, speakers, and other AV or technology equipment; and other personal communication devices that have the potential to be disruptive to the educational process.

What are Personal Electronic Devices?


This is who is responsible for assisting in clearing tables/desks, and picking up debris from the floor, stacking chairs prior to leaving each day, cleaning up spills, picking up after themselves and sharing in the pride of our building. 

Who are the students and teachers?


board policy says that parents will be advised AHEAD of the things that the child(ren) learns.  Sending home _____ that communicates the events forthcoming including field trips assists us in meeting that need. This is sent home monthly.    

What is a school-wide newsletter?


This is the number of days that you should notify the office if your class will not be eating lunch at Spaght because of a field trip.

What is 14 days?


Non-teaching professional day, during the first five and last five days of the school year, during addendum contracts of twenty (20) or fewer days, to extend those non-working days, or conference release days as identified by the school calendar.

What are times teachers should not temporary personal leave? 


This cannot/should not be used during instructional time, team time, PD, or when supervising students (including recess) unless there are emergencies that have communicated with admin.

What is our cell phone?


This should be placed under plants to prevent water damage to surfaces.

What are protective containers?


This will be emailed every Friday/Saturday. It will give the next week’s activities as found on the master calendar, dates of future events which might affect the staff, classroom happenings, social news, and other items from ‘downtown’ that need your attention or are for your information only.  

What is the WAAG?


Thia is something that students can do independently and should be practice of skills that have been specifically taught. It should never be taken as part of a grade, should not result in loss of recess or any physical reprimand for not returning, and, if given, feedback should be provided.     


What is homework?


This is the time you should call the school office every day that you are absent to state whether or not you will be returning to work the next day.    

What is before 3:00pm?


These should be used WISELY and as a communication tool to enhance home/school communications.

What are personal cell phones?


This should be changed at least on a monthly basis, and all seasonal things should be removed before leaving for the scheduled holiday break. 


What are boards/student work?


You may want to consider keeping a log of communication that you have with each parent. This is a great place to do so and is expected. 

What is Synergy? 


This is the person responsible for monitoring and correcting your time.

Who is classified staff?

ie. you, yourself