Voyages of Columbus
Spanish Explorers
Different Worlds Collide
New Spain
Society New Spain
Columbus was sponsored by royalty from this country.
What is Spain?
The number of voyages Columbus made for Spain.
What is four?
The Aztec leader, Moctezuma, was surprised to meet this Spanish explorer in 1519.
Who is Cortez?
This is the word that means "change," such as when Roman Catholic priests were sent to make the natives change their religion to become Catholic.
What is convert?

New Spain had this many levels of people in their colonial society.

What is three

To find a better way to reach the Indies, a part of Asia, to find silk, spices, gold.
What is the purpose of Columbus' voyage?
This man sailed to the eastern coast of South America, and our country's name comes from his.
Who is Amerigo Vespucci?
This word means "conqueror," and was a Spanish soldier with a large, metal helmet.
What is conquistador?
Hernando de Soto, the Destroyer, explored the SE region of what is now the U.S. He was searching for this valuable element.
What is gold?
A grant for free land from Spain, given to peninsulares, where slaves and natives could be forced to work, and become converted to Christianity.
What is encomendia?
The name "Indians" was given to Taino natives because Columbus believed this.
What is he had reached the Indies (Asia)?
This explorer crossed the isthmus of Panama to be the first to see the "Peaceful" Ocean, now called Pacific.
Who is Balboa?
These were the key advantages that the conquistadors had in defeating the Aztecs.
What are horses, rifles, armor?
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca ("Cow Head") traveled around the southwest region, looking for this city of gold.
What is Cibola?
This priest didn't like the bad treatment of slaves and native people in New Spain, and argued that they should all be freed.
Who is de Las Casas?
A movement of people, plants, animals, ideas, ways of life between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres.
What is the Columbian Exhange?
Ferdinand Magellan is best know for this feat.
What is leading the first expedition all the way around the world?
When Spain founded New Spain, they destroyed this city, now called Mexico City.
What is Tenochtitlan?
This African sailor who had been enslaved, survived a shipwreck off the coast of Texas with Cabeza de Vaca, and told about Cibola.
Who is Esteban?
This Caribbean island was home to many enslaved Africans who were replacing native peoples that had died from disease and overwork.
What is Hispaniola?
Smallpox and measles
What are two diseases the explorers brought west in the Columbian exchange?
The reason Spain sent Columbus on his second voyage in 1493 with 17 ships loaded with settlers, supplies, and animals.
What is to start a colony in the New World?
This explorer traveled to Peru to conquer the empire of the Inca people, and did so by capturing their leader, Atahualpa.
Who is Pizarro?
Coronado may be the first explorer to see this Arizona National Park in the southwest, as well as the first to see a buffalo.
What is the Grand Canyon?

These are the highest to lowest levels of society in New Spain.

What is peninsulares, creoles & metzizos, Indians & Africans.