Who were the nobility? What were they called?
The knights and the ladies.
Who were the clergy?
Bishops, priests, monks, nuns, and other religious figures.
Who were the workers?
They were peasants and servants for the Nobility.
What happened during the 4th century AD?
The Roman Empire lost power.
What was Al-Andalus?
It was most of the Iberian Peninsula. Muslim people gave it the name when they invaded.
Where did they live?
The castles.
What did they do?
They carried out religious and cultural activities.
Did they own land?
A few did but most were serfs with no rights.
Who invaded the Roman Empire?
Where do Muslim people practice their religion?
How did they get their land?
The King gave it to them.
Where did they live?
In churches and monasteries
What other jobs did they have?
Some were craftspeople and merchants.
Which Germanic tribe took over the Iberian PenĂnsula?
The Visigoths
What were cities like in Al-Andalus?
Every city had high walls and a fortress called the alcazaba. Inside the walls there were mosques, baths and zocos.
What happened when the knights went to war?
Ladies carried out housework and managed the land when the knights were at war.
What was the main religion during this time?
What did the women do?
they also worked the land.
What ended Visigoth rule?
The Muslim invasion from Morocco.
How and when did the Muslim rule of Al-Andalus come to an end?
The Christian’s began to fight against the Muslims and finally defeated them in 1492 when they expelled the Muslims from Granada.
What was "vassalage"?
Protection of the King's land.
What were the other religions practiced by people?
Islam and Judaism
What was hygiene like during this time?
People were very unhygienic and did not bathe.
What were the Visigoths like?
They were Catholic and spoke Latin. Their economy was agriculture. They had a monarchy.
What are the five principles/rules of Islam?
Faith, prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage to Mecca.