Pre Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Civil War & WWII
Post War Growth
Modern Day Spain

What was the primary economic focus of Spain before the Industrial Revolution?

  1. Agriculture


What were some key industries that flourished during the Spanish Industrial Revolution?

 Textiles, metallurgy, and mining. Expansion of agriculture


ow did the Spanish Civil War impact Spain's industrial development?

Answer: It disrupted industrial progress and led to economic challenges.


 Easy: What is another term for the 1960 economic boom in Spain?

Answer: The Spanish Miracle.


What is one sector that Spain has focused on in the 21st century for economic growth?  

High-tech industries, Renewable Energy Sources, and service industry 


Aside from agriculture, can you name one commonly produced item in the pre-industrial Spanish economy?

Textiles (Fabric & Clothing) or Pottery. 


hich invention played a crucial role in the industrialization of Spain?  

The Steam Engine


Why did Spain struggle economically during and after World War II

Economic isolation and limited international trade. A lack of trading partners


Easy: Name one industry that experienced significant growth during the 1960 economic boom

. Answer: Automobile manufacturing, chemical exports, textiles, tourism


What´s the most common form of renewable energy spain produces, and what sector does it belong to?

Renewable Energy through windmills. Secondary sector


 Name one major pre-industrial Spanish trading partner in the Mediterranean. Answer:

Ottoman Empire, Morocco, or any ship routes


Name one social or economic impact of the Industrial Revolution on Spanish society. How did Society Change?


The emergence of an urban working class and changes in social structure.


How did the aftermath of World War II influence Spain's economic policies?

Answer: Spain adopted economic policies to promote development and attract foreign investment.


: Identify a specific technological advancement associated with the 1960 economic boom in Spain.

Answer: Introduction of modern machinery in manufacturing.


how does foreign investment help Spain in the 21st century?

Foreign direct investment has contributed to the modernization of Spain's industries, bringing in capital, technology, and expertise, and fostering international collaborations.


Identify a specific region in Spain known for its pre-industrial trade routes.

 Andalusia, known for trade with North Africa.


How did the Industrial Revolution impact the role of women in the Spanish workforce?

 Women increasingly entered factory labor.


How did Spain's industrial sector recover after the economic challenges of the Spanish Civil War?

 Answer: Through a gradual process of reconstruction and economic reforms, leading into the 1960s boom


w did the growth of the tourism industry impact Spain's economic boom? A

nswer: It provided a significant boost to the service sector and employment.


 Discuss the impact of the 2008 financial crisis on Spain's industrial landscape and the subsequent recovery efforts.

Answer: The crisis led to a contraction in industrial output and increased unemployment. Recovery efforts included economic reforms, restructuring, and a shift toward more sustainable industries.


How did the feudal system influence the pre-industrial social structure in Spain?

It contributed to a hierarchical society with distinct social classes.


Use Marx´s theory of base and super structure to explain changes in Spain`s social structure organization following the Industrial Revoltuion

the transformation of the economic base, characterized by industrialization and capitalist modes of production, influenced the evolution of the superstructure, leading to shifts in social organization, class relations, and cultural norms.


 How did Spain's industrial landscape change as a result of the Marshall Plan?

Answer: It received economic aid, leading to infrastructure development and modernization.


How did the 1960 economic boom impact Spain's global economic standing?

Answer: It helped modernize Spain's economy and improve its global competitiveness.


ame one high-tech industry that has experienced significant growth in Spain in the past decade.

Answer: The information technology (IT) sector, including software development and digital services, has seen notable growth.