In Rehearsal
Props and Costumes
Cast and Crew
Ham, Jam, etc

The creation of Lancelot's looooong note from Herbert was a labour of love from many backstage crew and actors. The long note made it even funnier when Spencer read it onstage and only said these three simple words.

What is "Swamp castle. Help."


A viral sensation, the cast used this "Mean Girls" inspired vocal strategy from TikTok to warm-up before shows-- as well as quoting it obsessively. 

What is "Raise your ya-ya-ya"?


Finland, Finland, Finland!

This prop item was the star and partial title of Spamalot’s opening number.

What is Fish?


This teacher has a featured role in the show, though many who are not In to MAC's jokes might have thought he was just a sponsor.

Who is Jason Hubick of Hubick Realty?


A tradition at MAC for many years, cast and crew have and always will head to this 24/7 breakfast joint to connect after the last show. 

What is Denny's?


After being late for bows (on CLOSING) due to pursuing a mildly funny bit with the killer rabbit, actress Andrea Noga missed the minstrels and instead tried to blend in by following the movements of and bowing with this ensemble instead. 

What is the Dance Ensemble?


With some edits from Williams, this number was actually choreographed by our very own Sam and Charlie.

What is All For One?


During Swamp Castle, Lancelot takes time to admire this "wonderful" home decor item.

What are The Curtains?


Once performances began, this performer's decision to kiss the cow during the French Taunter scene became a crowd favourite, and a cast favourite.

Who is JP?

A group of cast members were given several warnings after singing karaoke loudly in this room.

Where is Dressing Room A?


An extra moment of despair for Lady of the Lake was when she dropped her flowers at the end of this number-- which she then continued to do throughout the run.

What is Diva's Lament? 


After starting rehearsals in the real theatre, this saying from a viral TikTok video became a cast staple-- a humorous reflection on our stage and orchestra. 

What is "I Finna be in the pit" ?


This rolling set piece had cast members tumbling, falling, and crashing during rehearsal and split in half during dress rehearsal. 

What is the Dead Cart?


This pit band member became known for his loud laughter, which could sometimes be heard during shows, though we all appreciated him for it.

Who is Isaac?


This pivotal scene in the show was still being workshopped and changed during the week of the show, but we think it came out just fine. 

What is Tim the Enchanter/B1/ending? 


DJ's riff in Showbiz went through many versions before ultimately landing on Cynthia Erivo's riff from the Wicked movie-- plus this famous line from her target commercials. 

What is "That's My Line"? 


Dress to impress and among us have both made waves with our cast and crew, however the game of choice between rehearsals was this popular movement game from France. 

What is Just Dance?


This character was the last to receive costuming days before the show, but it all worked out in the end.

Who is Prince Herbert?


Our French Taunter and our very patient mic tech-- This actor and this tech member are actually twins! They didn't just meet at the audition. 

Who are Martin and Robert?


Summer, Cierra, and DJ learned to look on the bright side of life when this happened to their taxi on the way to the theatre.

What is rear-ended? 


One of the most exciting parts of every show was waiting to see what Zames would improvise as the Ni Knight. One particularly memorable line was a reference to this 2016 vine. 

What is two bros chilling in a hot tub?


*Daily Double*

In one rehearsal where Arthur was a little late in cutting off Robin, Anaya created and improvised this song that leaves one of Sir Robin's followers wondering... what happened to MY part?

What is Minstrel's Lament? 


We may know them as the Minstrel dresses, but real MAC theatre kids will recognize them as the signature look of this singing ensemble from Shakespeare In Love. 

Who are The Consort? 



You may often find these two calling places, talking over the headsets backstage, or fighting over who is REALLY stage manager. (Full Names)

Who are Fionn Cahill and Jenna Reagan?


After the show, April became shepherd of this weird and confusing chart intertwining theatre mothers, fathers, and uncles, nephews, cousins....etc....

What is the Spamalot family tree?